Divine Child System

Chapter 2570: Nezha

Therefore, Sakyamuni is very comfortable at this time!

"Also, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight!"

He smiled triumphantly, and his figure disappeared suddenly.


Thousands of miles away from Shituoling, in the void.

The heavenly army, mighty and overwhelming, is really noisy with gongs and drums, and banners!

"Where is it?"

Li Jing, who was riding in the chariot, slowly raised his head and asked Jin Zha beside him.

"Back to my father, it's almost Shituoling!"

Jin Zha glanced around, then bowed back.

Hearing this, Li Jing's heart was immediately shaken.

"In this case, speed up, and be sure to rush to Shituoling before dark!"


Jin Zha responded when he heard the words.

Immediately after getting out of the chariot, the order went.

As soon as the order came out, the group of heavenly soldiers wailed in their hearts.

"My God, I have to march in a hurry!"

"Heavenly King really doesn't treat us as human beings!"

"Hey, bitterness is also bitter!"

"It's really bad luck!"

Although the heavenly soldiers are gods, they are also tired.

After all, coming all the way, the mana in their bodies has been consumed extremely seriously.

Right now, if Li Jing asked them to speed up again, these heavenly soldiers would naturally complain.

That is, Li Jingyu is extremely strict, so that these heavenly soldiers dare not show it!

Change to other heavenly court coaches, I'm afraid the heavenly soldiers have rebelled long ago!

"Jinzha, what does this mean?"

Just when Jin Zha finished passing the order and was about to return to the chariot, a voice came!

After he heard it, his face suddenly showed a look of helplessness.

"Nezha, this is a military order!"

"I ask you, what does he mean? He is also a battle-tested veteran, don't you know that the soldiers are tired?"

Hearing this, Nezha glared at Jinzha.

"Don't him him, this is our father!"

Jin Zha frowned and his expression turned cold.

For the younger brother Nezha, if Jinzha has no feelings at all, it must be false.

However, when it comes to Li Jing, Jin Zha will not give Ne Zha a good look.

In Jin Zha's view, the ethics and morality of the father and the son are the ethics.

Even if they become immortals, they can't help but value this.

And Nezha, for Li Jing, there is never any respect, which makes Jinzha extremely unhappy!

"I need you to teach?"

Nezha sneered when he heard the words.

"You take care of yourself, the little buddha!"

Hearing this, Jin Zha was furious.

He has two large scales, one is Li Jing and the other is Master!

His master Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, after the War of Conferring Gods, turned his back on the teachings of interpretation and turned to Western religions!

From then on, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun was given the nickname of a Buddhism running dog.

And he Jinzha has always been ridiculed as a buddhist minion.

So, how can Jin Zha be able to hold back when he hears the words Buddhism little running dog?

"Sure enough, you are a rebellious generation, and my father should have stabbed you to death with a sword!"

Jin Zha scolded angrily.

What he said naturally meant that when Nezha was just born, Li Jing once wanted to stab Nezha to death.

"Your father and son are really the same!"

Hearing this, Nezha didn't get angry and replied coldly.

The relationship between him and Li Jing has never been repaired.

Originally, after Li Jing received the Golden Linglong Pagoda bestowed by Burning Lantern, he suppressed Nezha.

But with Nezha's rebellious temper, how could he really surrender in his heart?

It is nothing more than the Golden Linglong Tower, only to choose to forbear.

In this way, between Li Jing and Nezha, they passed the Conferred God period without indifferentness, and then each body became holy and ranked in the immortal class!

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