Divine Child System

Chapter 2574: Scum

In terms of strength, the Demon Kings naturally far exceed Jin Zha and Mu Zha!

But it is a pity that most of the demon kings are good at using force, and physical combat is almost invincible!

However, in terms of magic weapons, they have nothing decent magic weapons that they can handle!

Therefore, in the face of the terrifying Wu Goujian, for a while, they were a little frantic!

The emergence of this situation is naturally related to the times!

Like in the Conferred God era, most Qi refiners did not cultivate their bodies.

Their way of fighting is a magic weapon for each other.

Whoever has a strong magic weapon is awesome.

Therefore, in the Battle of Conferred Gods, there are often people with poor cultivation bases, but relying on a powerful magic weapon, some powerful refiners will appear in the scene of falling flowers and flowing water!

Moreover, such scenes occur more than once or twice, almost often!

However, with the end of the Conferred God War.

Perhaps it is because the heaven, material and earth treasures have been consumed by ancient powers, and it is almost difficult for future generations to refine powerful magic weapons!

In addition, the ancient famous magic weapons have been divided up by the mighties.

Most of these great abilities are now in retreat!

Therefore, later monks and monsters, all gradually began to turn into cultivating flesh.

The way of fighting between them often involves fighting force, fighting supernatural powers and so on.

The most typical is Monkey King!

On the magic weapon, Monkey King has almost nothing.

The only golden cudgel is not an algorithm treasure, but a magic weapon.

However, Monkey King, who crosses the heavens, is still unprofitable.

Therefore, an era has its own habits.

Right now, this group of demon kings, who had long been accustomed to physical fighting, suddenly met such masters as Jin Zha and Mu Zha who existed in the Conferred God Age!

They are naturally a little messy!

Fortunately, although Jin Zha and Mu Zha had started to cultivate Taoism during the Fengshen Reign.

But maybe they pay too much attention to magic weapons, so that their own cultivation is still not good enough, barely reaching the level of Da Luo Jinxian, and the water is quite large!

Therefore, they rely on magic weapons to gain the advantage in the initial stage.

But as the demon kings stabilized their minds, they gradually began to lose support!

"How is this possible? Why are these Demon Kings so powerful?"

"Give me a feeling of facing Yang Jian, hateful, this is impossible!"

Jinzha and Muzha were both frightened and angry.

Right now, this group of Demon Kings felt like Yang Jian in the Battle of Conferred Gods!

In the Age of Conferred Gods, Yang Jian didn't have any decent magic weapon in his hands, at best it was a snarling dog!

However, at that time, no one of the three generations of disciples of Yang Jian was his opponent!

Even the twelve golden immortals at the tail of the crane like Huanglong's real people may not be comparable to Yang Jian!

This shows how powerful the physical body will be after it reaches a certain level.

This way of fighting is actually far more than the magic weapon of each other!

Soon, Jinzha and Muzha, the two scums who did not cultivate their flesh, began to sorrow!


The ancient wooden stick in Yuan Tianyu's hand hit Jinzha with a bang!

Jin Zha's smashed eyes cast gold stars and almost fell directly!

Li Jing on the side saw this, and immediately saw his eyes split!

"Stop hurting my son!"

In the anger, Li Jing's Golden Linglong Tower was sacrificed by him instantly!

Well, this is another scum of not cultivating flesh!

Still an old scum!

Yuan Tianyu was about to hit Jinzha with a blow, but suddenly heard a sharp wind coming from his ears!

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