Divine Child System

Chapter 2575: Unfortunately, Li Jing ran away

"not good!"

Hearing the wind, Yuan Tianyu secretly said that it was not good, so he could only give up knocking Jinzha to death!

His figure flashed, and he burst back in an instant.

The figure of the Golden Linglong Tower suddenly appeared in his eyes!

Seeing the Golden Linglong Pagoda, Yuan Tianyu was taken aback for a moment, before suddenly remembering something.

"I almost forgot, the master has given us a magic weapon!"

Yuan Tianyu's voice rang.

All the demon kings who were fighting Dunlong Zhuang and Wu Goujian came to their senses upon hearing this.

"Yes, I forgot this!"

"Hey, no one tells us that we are not used to using magic treasures!"

"Yes, Old Yuan, thank you for reminding us!"

"Spelling magic weapon? Who is afraid of whom?"

Although the physical body of cultivation is strong, it is far inferior to the magic weapon in terms of quick victory over the opponent.

This is the only advantage of magic weapon warfare!

Immediately, the demon kings sacrificed the magic weapon that Ye Meng bestowed on them!

For a time, in the void, there was a breath of terrifying magic weapons!

What Fan Tianyin, what swinging magic clock, what Qiankun ruler, what five fire seven bird fan and so on!


When the three of Li Jing and his son saw this scene, they all became petrified on the spot!

"My God, this is the Fantian Seal, Guangchengzi's Fantian Seal!"

"There is also the Qiankun ruler of the burning lamp ancient Buddha!"

"The devil's bell that cuts the teachings, the fan of the five fires and seven birds of Qingxu Moral True Monarch!"

The three of Li Jing and his son were frightened!

How could so many famous magic weapons appear in the hands of these demon kings?


Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Jing immediately wiped the oil on the soles of his feet, turned and ran, not even taking care of his two sons!

This is Li Jing, a selfish villain!

Hearing this, Mu Zha hesitated for a while, thinking about taking back Wu Goujian before running away.

It is a pity that after such a hesitation, the Qiankun ruler sacrificed by King Yu Yu instantly knocked him to the ground, leaving him unconscious.

As for Jin Zha, it was even more sad, the three souls and six souls who were directly shaken by the devil's clock came out!

"Wow, leave one for me!"

Upon seeing this, Demon King Peng was immediately anxious!

He turned his head and took a look, well, Li Jing has escaped!

Jin Zha and Mu Zha were captured by King Yu Yu and King Lion and Camel respectively.

He didn't catch anything?

"Hey wait, there is another fish that slipped through the net!"

In the next moment, from the corner of Demon King Peng's eyes, he caught a glimpse of the giant spirit **** who was still stunned and confused!

Immediately, Peng Demon King flapped its wings, and instantly appeared in front of the Giant Spirit God!

"It's you!"

Demon King Peng laughed, and grabbed the giant spirit **** with a paw!

The poor giant spirit **** is not a powerful character.

This time, he was caught by Demon King Peng, how could he escape?

Fortunately, this guy didn't seem to react yet, so he was captured by Demon King Peng so dumbly!

When the surrounding heavenly soldiers saw this scene, their souls were frightened.

As soon as they yelled, they suddenly burst into tears and fled in all directions!

Naturally, the demon kings did not dare to be interested in these heavenly soldiers.

"Walk around, go back and let the leader celebrate our brothers!"

"It's so cool, I only wanted to play with Li Jing, but I didn't expect to catch a few big fish!"

"It's a pity that Li Jing ran away. Otherwise, the heavenly army would fall apart!"

"I didn't expect the Heavenly Court to be so vulnerable. According to me, it's better to let the leader attack the Heavenly Court directly. Then he will come to the Heavenly Emperor, and we will wait for the Heavenly Kings, how happy?"

All the demon kings were beaming and proud.

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