Divine Child System

Chapter 2588: Wow it's over

"What the hell? Want to burn us? This group of cheap birds, I'm afraid it's not the brain convulsions, right?"

Among the demon kings, the Flood Demon King saw a sneer on his face.

The next moment, he opened his mouth wide.

The rain flooded the sky, and it landed instantly!

The blazing flames that had just risen were immediately extinguished!

This rain, like a basin of cold water pouring down, poured out the distant King Jialouluo to his heart!

His whole person instantly fell into a state of despair.

"This... how is this possible? How could Kong Ming's strategy fail? This is impossible? I am Buddhist Kong Ming, and it is impossible to fail. I don't believe..."

A heart-piercing roar came from the mouth of King Jialoulu.

All the waiters around were silent.

Hey, what can I say?

It can only be said that ideals are beautiful, but reality is skinny!

After all, this is just Xiaoniaopo, not Bowangpo in the book!

The enemy is not Cao Wei's elite soldiers, but the demon king with unlimited mana!


Seeing that the fire was extinguished, Jialou Luobaoniu, Jialou Luo Tiezhu, Jialou Luo did not spend, all were dumbfounded. After a long time, they finally shouted and ran away!

During this run, how could the remaining Garuda tribes stay in place?

Immediately, the defeated army rushed towards the residence of King Garuda!

No way, they have long been used to following King Jialoulu, so after the defeat, they subconsciously want to return to King Jialulu!

As for the fact that the defeated army will hit the big camp, this is not something the Garuda tribe with low IQ can consider!

"Defeat so quickly? Could it be fraud?"

Yuan Tianyu, who was suspicious by nature, couldn't help but wonder when seeing this scene!

"Crafting a ball, just a group of Garuda and others, it's strange to be able to block our attack!"

When King Yu Yan heard this, he dismissed it with a smile.

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, led the little demons, and chased after him!

Seeing this, the other demon kings followed up!

Even Yuan Tianyu laughed at himself.

"It seems that I'm the one who is careless!"

After a while, the demon soldiers of the broken soldiers and Shituoling were already close to King Jialouluo's camp!

Upon seeing this, King Jialoulu immediately woke up from the loss of his soul.

"Quick, stop them quickly, and don't let them attack the camp!"

Although King Jialoulu was not a man who is proficient in the art of war, he can only make a mockery.

However, after reading the Three Kingdoms for so long, I also know that Daying can't be chaotic!

Once Daying was hit, the consequences would be disastrous!

At that time, a big defeat is bound to be inevitable!

It's not like it is now, it's just a small-scale defeat, and it can still be accepted!

As long as Li Jing's surprise attack is successful, they can immediately turn defeat into victory!

After hearing the words, the Garuda tribe around him immediately wanted to close the camp in a panic!

But unfortunately, their movements were half a beat!

Before the gate of the big camp was closed, the defeated soldiers rushed over like a tide!

"God damn, help!"

"My lord, save us!"

"Run, run faster!"

"I can't run, ah, don't kill me..."

All kinds of screams, roars, everywhere.

The whole camp is in a mess!

The hideous, murderous monster soldiers, brandishing butcher knives, slaughtered everywhere!

"It's over, this time is over..."

Seeing this scene, the heart of King Jialoulu was instantly chilled!

No matter what Buddhism Kong Ming, what first appeared in Lingshan's first battle, what kind of function name, all worshiped him completely!

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