Divine Child System

Chapter 2589: Arrogant Li Jing

When the Jialou Luo tribe was defeated, Li Jing's Heavenly Tribe had already sneaked into Shituoling quietly.

Since most of the monsters have been taken by the monster kings to fight, the Shituoling is almost empty and there are no guards!

"It's a mob in the end, vulnerable!"

Upon seeing this, Li Jing suddenly showed a look of disdain.

"King of Heaven, my brothers have already investigated, and the guard in front is extremely loose. In the stone cottage on the left, it seems that the prince and the second prince are being held!"

A heavenly scout hurried to report.

When Li Jing heard this, his heart was overjoyed.

"My son is still alive? God bless my Li family!"

The next moment, he waved his hand.

"The whole army is attacking!"

With the order, the various ministries of the Heavenly Court began to act immediately!

In terms of the elite of the soldiers, the tribes of Heavenly Court obviously surpassed the tribes of King Garuda who boasted as Kongming!

The two are not at the same level at all.

Li Jing only gave the order to start the war, and the various ministries of the Heavenly Court had performed their duties and quietly invaded Shituoling in an orderly manner!

This kind of discipline, this quality, is not comparable to the rabble of Garuda!

"The outpost has been captured!"

"Qianzhai has been taken!"

"Dazhai is occupied by our army and there is no resistance!"

"Currently, Pioneer Camp, ready to capture Houzhai!"

The military sentiment came, and Li Jing nodded in satisfaction.

"It's really effortless!"

Everything was similar to what he had imagined. After the demon kings were attracted by Jialou Luobu, the nest of Shituoling would inevitably appear empty!

As long as they captured the Shituoling, the Demon King of the Seven Great Sages, they would dare to return to their teachers to save.

It happened to fall into their trap!

On the way, Datongguang Buddha is waiting for them!

Although Datongguang Buddha is far inferior to Sakyamuni!

However, it is more than enough for one person to deal with the Seven Great Sages and his ilk at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian!

"Invincible, really lonely!"

Li Jing couldn't help but sigh.

His sigh just came out, and there was a sudden sound in his ear, a childlike voice of milk and milk!

"Li Jing, you dog, dare to disturb my baby's meal?"

The childish voice that suddenly sounded shocked Li Jing.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked around, but saw two children not far away, and an old man was looking at him with a smile!

There were three people who came, but Li Jing only recognized one of them.

"One is Red Boy, who are the other two? It's strange that there are monsters younger than Red Boy?"

Of course he didn't expect that the dignified Yemon King would be a kid.

"Red boy, you are surrounded by my army, and you don't have to surrender quickly, otherwise, if you order the military, you will immediately turn into powder!"

Immediately, Li Jing sank his face and shouted.

As his voice fell, the surrounding heavenly soldiers suddenly shouted.

"Surrender! Surrender! Surrender!"

Even though this group of heavenly soldiers did not know when and where Ye Meng and the three came out.

But Li Tianwang's words are true. They have already surrounded Shituoling, and they are afraid of what waves will come out of these three young and old people?

"This Li Jing is still so arrogant..."

Seeing this scene, Shen Hongye beside Ye Meng couldn't help laughing.

In the copy of Journey to the West, Li Jing was an arrogant arrogant man, and was later subdued by Ye Meng, only to converge slightly.

However, this convergence only pointed to Ye Meng and others, facing other gods, he was still like a bird!

Therefore, Shen Hongye couldn't help laughing after seeing it.

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