Divine Child System

Chapter 2591: YY King Garuda

"Monkey spirit? You can't say it!"

Hearing King Garuda's silly words, Demon King Peng on the side suddenly laughed.

"Since your King Jialoulu was a character who existed in the prehistoric years, haven't you heard the saying that there are four apes, four monkeys and one tamarin?"

As soon as these words came out, King Garuda was shocked!

He has naturally heard of the so-called four monkeys, four monkeys and one tamarin.

These four apes refer to the four gods and demons!

Four monkeys, they are naturally four monkeys!

As for Yi Yu Yu, it refers to Chaos Yu Yu!

According to legend, the Chaos Yu Tamarin was born in the Chaos Era and was a terrifying monster at the same time as Pangu.

Of course, this is just a legend. No one has seen the real Chaos Yu.

However, the saying that there are four monkeys, four monkeys and one tamarin is widely circulated in the prehistoric times.

"Could it be that you are just a man?"

King Garuda glanced suspiciously at King Yu Ta, and asked.

Upon hearing the words, King Yu Yu and King Peng cursed idiots together.

This King Jialouluo is too mentally retarded, so he doesn't want to think that if King Yu Yu is really the legendary Chaos Yu Yu, he would have already proclaimed the saint status, how could he still hang around in the demon race?

After all, when Chaos Yu Yu was born, even Sanqing didn't appear, and Hongjun hadn't become a Dao ancestor yet!

"I have a drop of Chaos Yu's blood!"

King Yu Yan looked at King Jialou Luo and said proudly.

This drop of chaotic blood is what he is most proud of in his life.

It can be said that he, who was originally just an ordinary Yu-Tamarind Little Demon, was able to become the qualification to be side by side with Monkey King and other demon kings because of this drop of Chaos Yu-Tamarin’s blood.

Even if King Yu Yu can refine this drop of Chaos Yu Yu's essence and blood, I am afraid that the power such as burning a lamp and being afraid of leaving the grandson will be inferior to him!

Only a few people like Sakyamuni and others can barely beat him.

This is only because the drop of blood obtained by King Yu Yu is not pure!

Otherwise, his proclaiming the holy throne is almost a certainty.

Among the Seven Great Sages, the demon kings have always respected King Yu Tamarin very much, because everyone knows that he is carrying the blood of Chaos Yu Tamarin!

So, this King Yu Yu seems to have no background, but in fact it is terrifying!


King Garuda swallowed hard.

He looked at King Yu Yu, and then at Demon King Peng, and found that he couldn't afford any of them.

"Give up resistance and spare you not to die!"

King Yu Yan glanced at King Jialou Luo.

Although this King Jialoulu was a member of the Buddhism tribe, he was biased towards the monster clan in terms of bloodline!

Therefore, King Yu Yu didn't have any intentions to kill the opponent.

Of course, if King Jialoulu continued to resist, then King Yu Yu would be welcome!

"Spare me and not die? Well, well, I surrender!"

King Jialoulu was overjoyed when he heard the words. Without even thinking about it, he confessed!

No way, his life is precious!

If you die, how can you become Garuda Luo Kongming? How can I continue studying the Three Kingdoms?

Therefore, if the world is so beautiful, it is better not to die!

In order not to die, what's the harm in a drop?

"This time, I have become Liu Xuande. Back then, Liu Xuande also talked to Cao A and confessed to the snake. Today, I naturally also have my Jialou Luo Xuande, the great event of falsely descending on the lion Tuoling!"

Thinking in his heart, King Jialoulu started to yell again.

However, this time he yelled that he became Liu Bei and Liu Xuande!

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