Divine Child System

Chapter 2592: Seventeen Li Jing

When King Yuyao and King Peng Demon returned with King Jialouluo and a group of attendants, they returned with majestic power.

In Shituoling, Li Jing and Ye Meng have also gone to war.

Several sky generals under Li Jing's command viciously brandished their weapons and slashed at Ye Meng and others.

Most of the weapons of this group of heavenly generals went towards Ye Meng and Shen Hongye, but as for the red boy, they avoided it tacitly!

After all, Red Boy is a famous Demon King, far from being comparable to such unknown people as Ye Meng and Shen Hongye.

This group of geniuses, but they didn't think they had enough life, so naturally they didn't dare to provoke the red boy.

But unfortunately, what they don't know is that the characters they provoke are thousands of times more terrifying than Red Boy!

"I haven't seen it for a long time, I'm an idiot who dared to do something to this baby!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng gritted her little teeth.

When Shen Hongye on the side listened, he simply gave up any idea of ​​shooting.

Come on, depending on the situation, the little brother is going to show his power.

As the world's number one flatterer, Shen Hongye would naturally not steal Ye Meng's limelight.

Immediately, he embraced his hands with a smile on his face, as if watching a good show.

"This old man is so sure? Could it be that this kid has any special skills that can't be achieved?"

After Li Jing saw it, a strange color was smeared in his eyes.

His thoughts just came up when Ye Meng suddenly clapped his hands.

The next moment, a strange thing appeared in his hand.

With the wave of his wrist, a brilliant rainbow passed by!

"Balabala Little Demon Fairy, change, change, change..."

Every time Ye Meng shouted, there was a genius who instantly changed his appearance.

After just a few breaths, all the sixteen generals who took the shot became Li Jing's appearance.


Li Jing was completely dumbfounded when he saw this.

Among the gods, there is naturally no shortage of characters who are good at change.

Especially some figures of Taoist origin are extremely good at transmogrification techniques.

The so-called illusion technique does not mean to change oneself, but can change other things, or characters, into other things.

However, this is a supernatural power, and it has a shortcoming, that is, it can only change its appearance, but cannot disguise its breath.

Most of the time, they can only fool some mortals or gods with low mana.

A big figure like Li Jing, although he is not very strong, but he is from an authentic Taoist school after all, so the illusion technique can't hide from his eyes!

However, Li Jing, who will transform into the sixteen days in front of him, is completely indistinguishable from him, regardless of appearance or breath.

It is as if they were copied abruptly.

"His, horror!"

Li Jing had already seen his scalp numb at this meeting, and couldn't help feeling a cold sweat on his back.

He couldn't imagine that if he was killed, this child would let Li Jing, who had changed before his eyes, replace him!

I'm afraid, the whole heaven may not be discovered by anyone!

The heavenly soldiers around were also dumbfounded.

"Ula Wula, the wind is turning!"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth and waved her wrist.

An unknown wind blew in an instant.

The sixteen changed Li Jing, and Li Jing himself, suddenly became unstable and staggered!

After the flying sand and the stone, the position of the seventeen true and false Li Jing has been completely disrupted, and it is impossible to tell who is true and who is false!

"It's over, this is over, no one can recognize it!"

When Li Jing saw this, his heart suddenly wailed!

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