Divine Child System

Chapter 2593: Recognize father

"All heavenly soldiers, quickly surround the king!"

However, Li Jing is also an old cunning man after all, and soon thought of a way, and immediately shouted!

But just as his voice fell, the other sixteen Li Jing also shouted at the same time!

"All heavenly soldiers, quickly surround the king!"

No matter the voice, the tone of speech, and even the expression on his face, they are exactly the same as the real Li Jing!

Any person or thing changed by the Balabala Little Demon Fairy is under Ye Meng's control!

So, in fact, these sixteen heavenly generals have long lost their consciousness, and everything is the ghost of Ye Meng!

Li Jing was dumbfounded when he saw this.

The sixteen fake Li Jing also showed a dumbfounded expression.

The heavenly soldiers around were stunned.

At this moment, they really can't tell them at all!

"Young Master Ye is so scary!"

The red boy on the side looked terrifying!

Think about it too, anyone who sees this scene will have a scalp tingling.

Because it is impossible to distinguish between true and false.

If Ye Meng is the case, Red Boy will come here too, I am afraid that Red Boy will not cry!

"Old Shen, bring Jinzha and Muzha, today I will let them recognize Dad once!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth, and said milkily.

As soon as these words came out, Shen Hongye suddenly smiled.

But Li Jing's eyes were cracked.

"Devil, you devil!"

His voice just sounded, and sixteen fake Li Jing also shouted at the same time!

"Devil, you devil!"

The tone and demeanor were vivid, and even the speed of speaking was not slower than that of real Li Jing.

At this moment, Li Jing really almost cried.

He did not expect that he would meet such a terrible child!

If the other party slaps him to death, then forget it.

But by the way, the other party made him difficult to argue, and even proved that he couldn't do it!

"Hey, this change of this baby can last at least a million years, Li Jing, you seventeen births, are you happy now?"

Ye Meng really looked like a little devil, showing her husky teeth.

Li Jing wanted to cry without tears.

What's more frightening is that no matter what he does, the fake Li Jing will not fall behind, and he will do it all!

After a while, Jin Zha and Mu Zha, who looked dispirited, were brought over by Shen Hongye.

They just wanted to talk, but suddenly they saw seventeen identical Li Jing.

Immediately, the two brothers were petrified on the spot.

"Father, how come there are seventeen dads?"

"This...what the **** is going on, dad?"

The incredible voices of the two have just sounded.

Li Jing was already angry.

"Little beast, don't even know his father?"

He opened his mouth, sixteen fake Li Jing, and showed anger at the same time.

"Little beast, don't even know his father?"

With exactly the same expression, exactly the same tone, Jin Zha and Mu Zha looked awkward.

They glanced at each other and looked at each other.

"Big brother, who is our father?"

"I don't know, this is too similar, it's exactly the same!"

The dumb looks of the two fell in Li Jing's eyes, and Li Jing became more and more angry.

At this moment, Ye Meng clapped her hands, and the childish voice of milk and milk rang.

"Jinzha, Muzha, if you can recognize which is your father, this baby will let you father and son!"

Hearing this, not only Jinzha and Muzha, but even Li Jing started to breathe.

But what makes him desperate is that the sixteen fake Li Jing, like him, have a nervous and expectant complex look!

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