Divine Child System

Chapter 2594: Start to recognize dad

Seeing this scene, Li Jing fell silent for an instant.

"If I speak, those sixteen fakes will definitely follow me immediately, so I have to find a way to transmit the voice to Jinzha and Muzha!"

Li Jing, a cunning old man, soon thought of a way.

Since there is no way to speak in public, is it always okay?

But as soon as he decided, he heard Ye Meng say something with a smile.

"In order to prevent some of you from cheating, this baby has set a ban. From now on, all mana and magical powers are banned here, and sound transmission is naturally not possible!"

Hearing this, Li Jing almost sprayed out a mouthful of old blood.

This is so special, I'm just playing with him!

However, if Li Jing doesn't believe in evil, he doesn't believe that someone can be so powerful as to prohibit all magical powers and supernatural powers!

Immediately, he quietly picked up the sound transmission supernatural power.

"Listen to Jinzha and Muzha, I am your father... Wocao, really can't pass it on!"

After trying it, Li Jing found dumbfounded that the sound transmission had failed!

"It's difficult now!"

The old and cunning man suddenly got a headache.

Ye Meng glanced around the seventeen Li Jing, grinding her little teeth.

"Are you all ready?"

"Wait, I have something to say!"

Li Jing's voice rang!

That's right, this old thing has a crooked idea again!

He had just said this, and he hadn't even finished speaking. Sixteen fake Li Jing had already shouted.

"Wait, I have something to say!"

True or false, Li Jing finished the sentence almost at the same time, seeing Jin Zha and Mu Zha dumbfounded.

Seeing this, Ye Meng asked with a smile.

"Okay, what's the matter, just say it!"

"I ask for a while, no matter what my son asks, we must answer with pen and paper!"

Li Jing said with a sneer.

This was the method he came up with. Since the fake Li Jing could easily learn to speak, he would answer with pen and paper. He didn't believe it. The fake Li Jing would know what he wrote on the paper?

Fake Li Jing, still repeating this sentence in every way, let people continue to be indisputable!

"Paper and pen? No problem!"

Ye Meng waved his small hand when he heard the words, with a nonchalant expression on his face.

Li Jing was surprised when he saw this.

He couldn't figure out why the kid would agree to his request so easily.

Could it be that the kid didn't realize that with paper and pen, the fake Li Jing couldn't imitate it at all?

After all, mana and supernatural powers have been banned here, and the fake Li Jing can't do it if he wants to peep at what he writes!

However, since Ye Meng had agreed, Li Jing stopped saying anything.

With a wave of Ye Meng's wrist, seventeen sheets of paper and seventeen wolf pens fell into Li Jing's hands instantly.

The Wolf Hao pen comes with its own ink, so you don't even need to rub the ink, which saves a lot of effort.

"Go ahead, Jinzha, Muzha, you guys ask questions!"

Ye Meng waved his small hand and said milky voice.

Upon hearing this, Jin Zha and Mu Zha's hearts were shaken.

"Brother, I'll come first!"

Mu Zha said, and stepped out.

His gaze swept over the seventeen Li Jing, and immediately asked triumphantly.

"Excuse me, when is my mother's birthday?"

His mother is naturally Li Jing's wife Yin.

As a husband, it is impossible for Li Jing to not know the birthday of his wife.

Therefore, when he heard this, Li Jing was overjoyed and secretly praised Muzha's cleverness.

This question is simple, but it can be distinguished at a glance, who is the real Li Jing and who is the fake Li Jing!

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