Divine Child System

Chapter 2620: Finished

"Yang Jian, your performance is okay, but pay attention to the scale, don't get too facial paralysis!"

"You know, you actually like Master Chu Qiao too, it's just that you haven't found it yet!"

Ye Meng started to pick up Yang Jian again!

Yang Jian nodded silently when he heard the words.

The plot of the promotional film is actually not complicated.

It's just about the love between master and apprentice!

It's just that this love between master and apprentice is a hodgepodge of various dog-blood plots on earth.

The difficulty lies in shooting out the feeling of sadness in the sweetness.

In the heart of abuse, give people a sweet feeling!

However, for the greatest director Ye Meng in history, this is a trivial matter!

"Ye Gongzi, when will the second shooting start?"

Su Daji seemed to be particularly interested in filming at this time, and couldn't wait to ask.

Ye Meng's face sank when he heard the words.

"Call Ye Dao!"

"Oh, yes, Dao Ye!"

Ye Meng nodded in satisfaction when Su Da had changed her name.

"The second scene, shoot it in a while!"

With that said, Ye Meng began to direct the mirror image of Ye Meng again, and let them change the scene!

Xi'e and Yutu on the side looked admiringly.

"The chairman is amazing!"

"Yes, he looks like he is young, but he knows so much. No wonder he is called a wise man!"

Shen Hongye coughed softly when he heard the words.

"Here, it's better to call him Dao Ye!"

For Xi'e, Shen Hongye still has a good impression, so he specially reminded the other party!

The little brother Ye Meng played role-playing and was always serious.

If others get his identity wrong, he will go crazy!

"Oh, thank you old man!"

Hearing this, Xi'e obediently responded.

Yutu also stuck out his tongue, saying that he knew it!

"You want to call me Assistant Director Shen, you know? Also, you are now Dao Ye's assistant. You have to be with Dao Ye and wait for his orders at any time!"

Upon hearing this, Shen Hongye reminded again.

Just after he finished speaking, he heard Ye Meng's milky voice sounded!

"Assistant, where is my baby's assistant?"


Shen Hongye urged Xi'e.

After Xi'e heard it, she didn't dare to neglect, so she ran over quickly.

"Ye... Ye Dao!"

"Xie, go and notify the makeup team to put some makeup on Su Daji, she just cried out of makeup!"

Ye Meng said with milk while staring at the camera.

Hearing this, Xi'e responded quickly.

Then, she silently recalled which mirror image of the makeup group Ye Meng was!

Fortunately, Xi'e had a good memory, and it only took a few breaths to find the mirror image Ye Meng who was responsible for makeup.

The promotional video is so methodically and continuously shooting!

Outside the cave, the demon kings were both curious and doubtful.

What kind of promotional video Ye Meng made, what is it?

Why is there such a big movement inside, crying and laughing!

In addition, the words that came from Naha made them, Demon Kings, all listened numbly!

"Oh, I'm really anxious, when will it be all right?"

"Lao Peng, can't tell, do you still like this tune?"

"What are you talking about, I'm just curious!"

"Hey, I'm curious too!"

When the demon kings were talking nonsense, they suddenly heard Ye Meng's shout from the cave.


"This baby announces that I am crazy for you, who is in love for three years and three years, ten miles of peach blossoms, and I will be the demon king for you, and it will be successfully completed!"

His voice fell, and there were countless Ye Meng cheers in the cave.

There are also Shen Hongye, Su Daji, and Xi'e cheers!

"Kill Qing? Who is Qing? Why kill him?"

The demon kings are dumbfounded!

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