Divine Child System

Chapter 2621: Watch the promo

While the demon kings were still stunned, Ye Guai had already walked out with Xi'e, Yutu, Shen Hongye, Su Daji, and Yang Jian!

"Two... True Monarch Erlang!"

The eyes of the demon kings were immediately attracted by the cold and arrogant Yang Jian, and they suddenly jumped!

When did Yang Jian come?

"Okay, don't be silly, come with this baby!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Guai waved his small hand.

Immediately, he took the demon kings and came to the martial arts field.

"Go, call all the little demons here!"

"By the way, what Chase bald donkey, and what Jia Lou Luo also called!"

After arriving at the martial arts field, Ye Guai turned around and ordered the demon kings.

Upon hearing the words, the demon kings did not dare to neglect, so they hurriedly proceeded to make arrangements!

After a while, all the little monsters, as well as the Datongguang Buddha, King Garuda, etc., all appeared in the martial arts field with a dazed expression.

"Very well, are everyone here?"

"Then, the time to witness the miracle has arrived!"

Ye Guai glanced across the demons and nodded in satisfaction.

Immediately, his small hand suddenly waved!

In the void, a huge screen suddenly appeared.

That's right, the movie big screen!

At the same time, a burst of exciting music came from the screen!

A beautiful porcelain doll bounced around on the screen and finally formed a LOGO produced by Mengbao!

The demons present, seeing this scene, became more and more confused.

They just don't understand this stuff!

Datongguang Buddha and King Jialoulu, with big eyes and small eyes, looked blank.

"It gradually cools at night, and the flowers fall into frost. You look in the distance, exhausting all the twilight..."

Soon, the poignant and sad music rang!

Yes, this is cool!

Ye Meng used it as the theme song of this promotional film!

As for where this coolness came from, it was naturally synthesized by Ye Meng using the system!

Moreover, it is the cool version of Xi'e and his Ye Meng version!

There is no reason why it is this version, he likes it!

In the music, Chu Qiao played by Su Daji appeared in the eyes of everyone!

"Hi! So beautiful!"

"Too beautiful, there is such a beautiful woman in this world?"

"Wocao, Su Daji, she turned out to be Su Daji?"

"Is this the promotional video the chairman said? Although I can't see it, why does it feel so powerful?"

The demon kings and a group of little demon were all shocked!

The visual effects of the finished promotional film are shocking to the extreme!

In addition, this is a gadget created by the system itself, and the impact it brings to everyone is beyond words!

The story unfolded bit by bit, and the demon in public saw the painting of Bai Zi played by Yang Jian and left in despair.

Only Chu Qiao, played by Su Daji, was left alone in the dying peach blossom forest, when she cried secretly.

All the monsters yelled!

"I hate you Bai Zihua!"

"I remember your face, Bai Zi draws it, don't let this king see you, otherwise this king will beat you into a pig!"

"Such a good woman, you made her sad, and Bai Zihua is blind!"

"Hateful, hateful, I want to kill!"

Countless curses sounded one after another, and Yang Jian, who was watching silently, suddenly became embarrassed!

This Baizi painting was performed by him!

However, to be honest, after watching the finished promo, he actually had the idea of ​​beating Bai Zihua to death!

And Xi'e and Yutu were already crying, each one a rabbit, they almost cried and cried loudly!

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