Divine Child System

Chapter 2762: Angry

"Thank you lord, the villain will swear to serve the lord!"

Ye Zheng took the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and repeatedly kowtow to thank you!

"Swallow it!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng waved her little hand!


"Don't talk, talk Wei!"


Hearing this, Ye Zheng changed his words quickly!

Immediately, he swallowed the great purple energy without hesitation!


The majestic power surging from Ye Zheng!

"Huh? He broke through!"

When the ink dots on the side saw this, they exclaimed!

Ye Meng curled his mouth.


With Ye Zheng's breakthrough, his realm has also reached the fourth level of the God Realm, and he is considered to be a god-level power!

Above the god, is the **** king!

Even in the Feiliu universe, the **** king can be regarded as a strong one!


Outside the boundary wall, Yu Tianyue and others waited for a long time, but they didn't sense the power fluctuation during the battle, and they suddenly became suspicious!

"What the **** is Xizheng doing? Why not do it?"

Yu Tianyue's face was a little gloomy!

He needs Xizheng to find out the strength of the indigenous people. If Xizheng doesn't do anything, how will he arrange the follow-up deployment?

"His Royal Highness, I'll go and see!"

Upon hearing this, Yu Xiuwen replied!

Strictly speaking, Xi Zheng is his subordinate!

This Xizheng really wants to make a moth, he, the master, can't get rid of it!

Therefore, Yu Xiuwen can't help it!

"Go, but don't enter that small world, your realm is too high, you will burst the small world!"

Yu Tianyue waved her hand and said slowly!


Yu Xiuwen responded and walked quickly towards the crack in the boundary wall!

Wumingxiandao is a small world and cannot accommodate too many powerful people!

Especially Yu Xiuwen and his ilk, powerhouses who are already at least the **** emperor's level, will be able to burst Wuming Xiandao in seconds!

It is precisely because of this that when Feiliu attacked the Wuming Immortal Island, so few powerhouses would be arranged every time!

Of course, if you wait for Dongli to break the boundary of the Shuling universe!

The Shuling universe will be completely integrated with Wuming Xiandao!

At this time, even if Yu Xiuwen and others all enter the Wuming Immortal Island, it will not burst the Wuming Immortal Island!

Because, at this time, the Wuming Immortal Island has been integrated with the big world and can accommodate enough powerhouses!

Yu Xiuwen walked quickly to the crack in the boundary wall and looked over!

In the next moment, his nose suddenly turned crooked!

"Damn Xizheng, he surrendered!"

His roar rang!

When Yu Tianyue and others heard the words, they were all taken aback!

Immediately, a wave of anger rose in their hearts!

There have been only flying people who died in battle, and no flying people who surrendered!

This is what Feiliu people are proud of!

Even if Ye Xuan ordered the slaughter of Feiliu people, none of them surrendered!

However, the integrity that Feiliu people are proud of has now been broken!

"Kneel to surrender, you don't deserve to be called me Feiliou!"

"This thief is hateful, he should be killed!"

"His Royal Highness, the general, please order that a certain family is willing to kill the Xizheng dog thief!"

"This wind must not grow, otherwise everyone will follow the example of Xizheng dog thief, and I will fly to everyone!"

The surrounding Feiliu crowds will hear the words and roar together!

They are from Feiliu nobles, so naturally they don't want to see Feiliu people surrender!

If everyone imitates Xizheng, then for their nobles, they will not hesitate to destroy them!

"Yu Xiuwen, how did you bring your subordinates?"

Yu Tianyue's face was pale, staring at Yu Xiuwen!

He can't wait to kill Yu Xiuwen on the spot!

However, he didn't do this, because Yu Xiuwen was a nobleman, and if he moved Yu Xiuwen, there would be no guarantee that other nobles would be dissatisfied with it!

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