Divine Child System

Chapter 2763: Bu Huai Ying

"His Royal Highness, I will kill this dog thief!"

Although Yu Tianyue was yelled at, Yu Xiuwen didn't care. At this moment, he was full of anger in his heart!

"Fool, you enter the small world, can the small world bear it?"

"If the small world collapses, all the arrangements in this hall will be abandoned!"

Upon hearing Yu Xiuwen's words, Yu Tianyue gave him a cold look!

Upon hearing this, Yu Xiuwen suddenly became depressed!

"Bu Huaiying, go and kill the dog thief!"

After Yu Tianyue glared at Yu Xiuwen, he turned his head and fell on a thin young man!

This young man is Bu Huaiying!

Bu Huai Ying, a Fei Liu noble background, can be seen from his surname Bu Huai!

In Feiliu universe, all nobles have Feiliu Fu surname!

The common people and untouchables are all single surnames!


Bu Huaiying stepped out and bowed!

Immediately, he moved aggressively towards the boundary wall!

As a nobleman, he can't tolerate the appearance of counselors among the flying people!

Therefore, Xi Zheng, who is like a cheap embryo, is dead!


"Xizheng, come out and die!"

After Bu Huai Ying entered the Wuming Immortal Island, he burst out!

His voice reached Ye Zheng's ears, and Ye Zheng suddenly sneered!

"There is no Xizheng in this world, only Ye Zheng!"

With that, he stepped out!

As a newcomer, Ye Zheng naturally couldn't wait to perform!

The Buhuai Eagle in front of me was just delivered!

Before the change, Ye Zheng didn't dare to do anything with Bu Huaiying!

But now, since he has surrendered, killing a few Feiliu nobles is justified!

Moreover, Bu Huaiying's cultivation base is not high, he is just a five-tiered **** of the gods!

Even though Ye Zheng is only a four-tiered god, he has realized a new supernatural power after he swallowed the grand and purple energy!

At this moment, Ye Zheng is full of confidence and morale!

"Dog thief, you have tarnished my Fei Liuren's glory, **** it!"

Seeing Ye Zheng, Bu Huaiying's eyes burst into anger!

Upon seeing this, Ye Zheng didn't accept it at all!

The more upset these Feiliu nobles are, the happier he will be!

Feiliu people and other strict ranks, nobles have the right to live and kill commoners and untouchables!

Even Ye Zheng, who was already well-versed in his words and expressions, suffered all the humiliation that year, and slowly climbed to the position of general!

So, to be honest, Ye Zheng really doesn't have much favor with Feiliu nobles!

"You waited for Feiliu clowns. They didn't know what they could do. They tried to fight against my Ye Family Heavenly Soldiers. They were seeking their own way!"

Ye Zheng is full of superiority!

I have to say that this guy is indeed a talent!

As soon as he was given a surname, he immediately regarded himself as the Ye family!

When Bu Huaiying heard the words, he was suddenly furious!

"Maguraga, Siligu is not afraid of it!"

In a gaffe, Bu Huaiying even blurted out the words of Fei Liu noble!

The ink point one, who is proficient in Fei Liuyu, is confused and at a loss!

He only knows Feiliu's lingua franca, but he doesn't know much about aristocratic languages!

Ye Meng, who was on the side, curled his mouth!

"He's saying, Xizheng, the bastard, I am going to kill you!"

"Hey, Xiao Yemeng, you know Feiliu aristocratic language!"

When Mo Dian heard the words, he took a breath!

"You are stupid, can't the system just exchange it?"

Ye Meng blankly gave a blank look!

When I heard the ink dot, I was dumbfounded!

Why didn't I expect it?

Could it be that the old man has recently overworked and his IQ has dropped?

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