Divine Child System

Chapter 2773: Surrender in public

"Old Ma, the scepter!"

Yu Xiuwen, who had a deep friendship with Dongli, couldn't help but remind him!

Hearing the words, Dong Li stared, and a faint feeling suddenly poured out of his heart!

"Looking at the expressions of Lao Wen and theirs, could it be that they were also robbed?"

His thoughts just flashed in his mind, Ye Meng had already slapped him over again!

Damn it!

Dong Li only felt that a strong force came in an instant, and the whole shot almost fell apart!

"Why am I so unlucky..."

Dongli wailed in his heart!

He just came to send a message, who knew it was so sad!

"Come here!"

Ye Meng Shi Ran stretched out her little hand, and said milky voice!

Hearing this, Dongli didn't dare to hesitate this time!

He knew that if he hesitated, he would be slapped again!

Rather than being so sad, it's better to offer the scepter obediently, anyway, looking at the appearance of other people, it seems that their artifact has also been robbed!

At this point, Dong Li stretched out his hand with difficulty and wiped it from the storage ring.

The next moment, the Sunburning Scepter appeared in Dongli's hands!

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng stretched out his little hand and grabbed it!

"It's hard work, not exciting at all!"

Hearing this, Dong Li's blood surged, and a mouthful of old blood almost spurted out!

However, when he saw the next scene, the blood that had reached his mouth was abruptly scared back!

"Nima? What did I see?"

Dong Li wiped his eyes with a dazed expression!

"I... my god, this kid is gnawing on the scepter, this... how is this possible!"

Dong Li only felt a chill, which instantly gushed from the soles of his feet, causing his hairs to stand up...

However, when Dong Li saw the calmness of other people, his heart suddenly wiped out a trace of understanding.

"Mamaipi, you dogs, seem to already know that this kid is a monster!"

"Hateful, you don't even remind me, so don't blame me for turning my face and not acknowledging people!"

Dongli was secretly ruthless in his heart!

The next moment, he suddenly got up from the ground!

"The villain, Dong Li, is willing to follow the son, and will never hesitate to do whatever he wants!"

As soon as Dong Li Mo's words came out, the entire audience was shocked instantly!

What does Dongli want to do?

He actually surrendered to the Ye family?

Could it be that he didn't know the hatred between Ye Family and Feiliu people?

"Dong Li Ma, you dare!"

"Hateful, the four dignified family geniuses turned out to be rebellious. Are you worthy of the ancestors of the Dongli family?"

"Shameless villain, I only knew you when I was blind!"

"This is the shame of my Feiliu people, hateful, hateful!"

After a while, all the Feiliu people screamed!

No way, Feiliu people have always had a strong spirit!

They are extremely staunch, proud of their glorious death, and ashamed of apostasy!

Previously, Ye Zheng had turned against the enemy. Although the Feiliu people were angry, they didn't take it too seriously!

After all, Ye Zheng is a civilian!

In the eyes of many Feiliu nobles, this kind of thing like civilians can't be put on the table at all. Isn't it normal for them to betray?

On the other hand, Dong Limei, that is a serious noble child!

Moreover, it is the nobleman among the nobles, the direct descendant of the Dongli family of the four great families!

Now that Dongli surrendered to the enemy in public, it can be said that he completely defeated the last insistence in the hearts of Dongli people!

From then on, the myth of Feiliu people is unparalleled and strong will be shattered!

Such a blow is not a little bit for Feiliu people!

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