Divine Child System

Chapter 2774: Feiliu people will fight inwardly

Hearing the curses of Feiliu people around, Dong Lima's face was blue and red!

Of course he will feel ashamed!

After all, the behavior just now was only made by him out of anger for a while!

In fact, when he finished saying that sentence, he already regretted it!

It's just that, now facing the angry accusations from everyone, he can't hold his face down and admit his mistake!

Immediately, Dong Li looked ugly and raised his head!

"You ignorant people, have I done something wrong?"

"Back then, if the Yutian Family hadn't fought desperately against His Majesty Yuan, how would it anger His Majesty Yuan Emperor?"

"We are flying people, why did we fall to where we are today?"

"Let me say that the culprit responsible for the Fei Liu universe tragedy is the Yutian Family!"

Dong Li's voice came from far away, with a hint of excitement!

Many Feiliu nobles became more and more angry upon hearing this!

But there are also a small group of people who fell into silence!

Ye Xuan's conquest of Feiliu Universe back then did not engage in massacre at the beginning!

In fact, at the beginning, he was just preparing to overthrow the rule of Yutian Family and replace it!

However, the Yutian Family didn't recognize the facts, and angered Ye Xuan again and again!

This completely angered Ye Xuan and made him issue a killing order!

In this way, the entire Feliu Universe is unlucky!

"Yeah, if it weren't for the Yutian Family, why would our other families be so unlucky that they couldn't return home?"

"Even though Dongli is shameless, these words are not unreasonable..."

"The Yutian family used to exploit our family a lot back then, why do we still have to be loyal to the Yutian family now? It's really weird!"

"There is no slaughter order, I am afraid that the Yutian family has been overthrown now..."

Yu Xiuwen and other aristocratic children's faces were cloudy and uncertain.

In fact, before Ye Xuan's conquest of Feiliu Universe, Yutian Family's dominance in Feiliu Universe had been declining year by year!

Many galaxies even have rebels!

However, when Ye Xuan invaded, Fei Liuren gave up internal fighting and joined forces against Ye Xuan!

This allowed the Yutian Family to continue their lives!

"What do you want to do? Could it be the opposite?"

Seeing the looks of Yu Xiuwen and others, Yu Tianyue was shocked and angry!

He didn't expect that a little Dongli would cause Feiliuren to fall into infighting again?

What's so special, now that the foreign enemy is on the side, this group of ignorant nobles are actually engaged in internal fighting?

Do they want to be so stupid?

Step on!

With the sound of footsteps, a group of noble children headed by Yu Xiuwen appeared in front of Yu Tianyue with expressionless faces!

"Your Highness, let me call you Your Highness again!"

"Even though Dongli has turned his back on the enemy and is shameless, but his words are correct!"

"Our Feiliu universe has fallen to where it is today, and your Yutian family accounted for most of the reason!"

"Don't your Highness prepare to give us some explanation?"

It was Yu Xiuwen who was speaking. In the past, Yu Xiuwen was somewhat loyal to Yu Tianyue!

Although, his loyalty is due to the situation!

But no matter what, in front of Yu Tianyue, he never presumptuous, even if he was reprimanded by Yu Tianyue, he never held hatred!

After all, everyone knows that Feiliu can no longer withstand civil unrest!

However, at this moment, Yu Xiuwen can't hold back!

The contradiction has been provoked by Dong Li, and everyone knows that Ye Meng is a kid!

I am afraid that Feiliu people's desire to restore will be completely lost!

The combination of so many factors made Yu Xiuwen, who had been thinking a lot, burst out!

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