Divine Child System

Chapter 2809: Shock state

"Ouch, my little heart!"

The ancestor of the Ye family on the side patted his chest with a look of uncertainty on his face!

He suddenly found out, did he live as a dog at his age?

Why Ye Meng, a little baby, can cultivate "Po Tian Yi Zhi" to such a terrible level by only practicing once!

And he, who has practiced for a lifetime, is only so much stronger than Ye Meng!

"My baby, try again, this martial art is really difficult!"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth, tilted her head and thought.

Wouldn't it be difficult for him to practice martial arts twice?

Ye Wenyi heard the words and looked up at the ceiling.

At this moment, his heart is broken!

"Don't... don't practice!"

"You can hit the realm from your basic mental method to the peak!"

Upon seeing this, the ancestors of the Ye family quickly stopped!

What are you kidding about, if you let Ye Meng practice it again, wouldn't you have to tear down the training room?

This training room is made of Yanyang spar!

To put it bluntly, even the ancestor of the Ye Family, the Yanyang Spar may not be able to explode!

"Yes, this baby is too weak, it's good to hit the realm!"

Ye Meng nodded when he heard the words!

Immediately, Ye Meng sat down cross-legged again!

Ye Wenyi and the ancestors of the Ye family breathed a sigh of relief immediately!

This shocking realm is not easy!

"According to Xiao Yemeng's talent, this time, he should be able to successfully become a martial artist!"

"Big brother, I think you are a little underestimated, he is a ninth-rank talent after all, and a mere martial artist is naturally easy!"

"Yes, the old man takes it for granted. Even you and I were able to hit the martial artist Nine Heavens in one breath. Xiao Yemeng's talent is higher than ours. Maybe he can hit the sergeant level!"

"No accident, I should be able to reach the samurai level!"

The ancestors of the Ye family and Ye Wenyi looked at each other and started talking in a low voice!

The first time you hit the realm, you reach the samurai level, which is a proper enchanting level!

"Xiao Yemeng, hold your breath, and hit Zhou Tian's big acupuncture point. Back then, your father and I broke through 186 Zhou Tian acupoints in one breath, achieving the realm of the martial artist in the Ninth Heaven!"

"I hope you can make persistent efforts and break our record!"

The ancestor of the Ye family looked at Ye Meng and said with twisted beard!

Ye Meng nodded when he heard the words!

"Isn't it, the more Zhou Tian's big holes impacted, the stronger the strength?"

Hearing this, the ancestor of the Ye family explained!

"Yes, the three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian acupuncture points represent the ultimate in the human body. Your father and I broke through one hundred and eighty-six acupuncture points back then and are already at the top level!"

"However, it still hasn't reached the extreme. On Jiuyou Star, the record of the ultimate samurai level is 261 acupuncture points!"

"This is the only record left by Supreme Gu Yue on Jiuyou Star. I don't know if you can reach his level!"

His voice fell, and Ye Meng's little face showed a thoughtful expression!

After reaching the realm of warriors, you need to attack Zhou Tian Daxue!

When Zhou Tian's big acupoint is lit up, he can successfully enter the realm of the first heaven of martial artist!

When you light up two, you can break through to the Second Heaven of Martial Artist!

At four, it is the third heaven of warriors!

At eight, it is the fourth heaven of warriors!

By analogy, if you want to reach the 9th Heaven of Martial Artist, you need at least one hundred and twenty-eight Zhoutian acupoints!

And when your Ye family ancestor and Ye Wenyi broke through one hundred and eighty-six acupuncture points in one go, it was absolutely against the sky!

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