Divine Child System

Chapter 2810: Ninth-rank genius, is it so evil?

It is precisely because of this that the fighting power of the ancestors of the Ye family and Ye Wenyi is far more powerful than those of the same realm!

Of course, the more terrifying thing is Gu Yue Zhizun!

He broke through in one breath, two hundred and sixty-one acupuncture points, which can be called unprecedented, no one to come!

"Meng Xiaoye, don't even think about hitting three hundred and sixty-five acupuncture points. In this era, no one can do it!"

Seeing Ye Meng's look, the ancestors of the Ye family still don't know what the other party is thinking?


Ye Meng asked curiously when he heard the words!

"Jiuyouxing's martial arts path was cut off by life in the ancient times, so now no one can reach the extreme!"

The ancestor of the Ye family showed a solemn look on his face!

"Mengbao, about the way of martial arts, I will rot in my stomach in the future, don't ask!"

Ye Wenyi on the side also said Su Rong!

Seeing both his father and Ye family ancestors had serious expressions, Ye Meng nodded and didn't ask too much!

"It seems that something must have happened to Jiuyou Star in ancient times!"

Ye Meng thought secretly in his heart!

He has discovered that neither the ancestors of the Ye family nor Ye Wenyi have ever mentioned Xuanyuan Universe!

It was as if they only knew Jiuyou Star, but did not know the Xuanyuan Universe!

"Hurry up and hit the realm!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Wenyi urged!

"it is good!"

Ye Meng nodded, condensed his mind, and began to attack his realm!

He has already cultivated the basic mental method "Moving Heaven Secret Art" to the extreme, and the power of qi and blood in his body is simply terrifying to the extreme!

After only a week of invigorating operation, Ye Meng's realm immediately broke through to the martial artist level!

The ancestors of the Ye family and Ye Wenyi saw nothing unexpected!

Ninth-rank talent, if even the martial artist can't attack, it can't be called the talent of Ninth-rank!

"I don't know if Xiao Yemeng can reach the samurai class!"

The ancestor of the Ye family thought about it and looked forward to it!

"As the saying goes, blue is better than blue. This is true. I didn't expect my son Ye Wenyi to be so evil!"

Ye Wenyi thought of Ye Meng's horrible speed in cultivating basic mental techniques and martial arts, and he became proud of him!

When the two of them were thinking about themselves, a red glow flashed across Ye Meng's body!

In the next moment, he reached the realm of the first heaven of warriors!

"It doesn't seem to be difficult!"

Ye Meng felt a little speechless!

He only took a breath, and the Zhou Tian big acupuncture point in his body was already lit up!

"Maybe this is the baby's illusion, it must be the harder it is to hit the back!"

Ye Meng shook his head and continued to pound Zhou Tian's big hole...

One, two, three...

After a few breaths, more than half of the three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian acupoints have been lit up!

The ancestors of the Ye family and Ye Wenyi's eyes gradually widened, and a bad feeling came into their hearts!

How familiar is this scene?

Could it be that Xiao Yemeng, even in the realm of shock, would completely abuse them?


When Ye Meng took a few more deep breaths, Zhou Tian's big holes in his body were all lit up instantly!

There are three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian big holes, exuding a bright light, and the folds are brilliant!


The ancestors of the Ye family and Ye Wenyi took a breath!

Although they didn't know how many acupuncture points Ye Meng hit!

However, looking at the aura exuding from Ye Meng's body at this time, it was already a proper samurai realm!

"Is the ninth rank so enchanting? Breaking through a samurai is as simple as breathing?"

The ancestor of the Ye family was messed up in the wind!

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