Divine Child System

Chapter 3285: Shen Hongye

Hearing Shen Hongye's sleazy flattery, Dungeon Ye Meng glanced at him, a reluctant smile on his small face!

"Old Shen, good vision!"

He followed Ye Meng's appearance and praised!

This is nothing surprising, and Shen Hongye can't judge it naturally!

However, Shen Hongye, the old guy, suddenly did this, not just because of flattering!

Don't look at this old guy, he looks like a flatterer!

But in fact, he is a ghostly person!

People like him, no matter which world or plane they are placed in, can be mixed with wind and water, nourishing!

Without him, he is sleek, cunning, and slick and sharp!

It can be said that Ye Meng can regard him as a confidant, and it can be regarded as unique insight!

So, how can a human spirit like Shen Hongye do purposeless things?

Using the method of eating, it is impossible to prove whether the two Ye Meng in front of me are true or not!

So he was ingenious!

Thought of another clever idea!

Yes, that is flattering!

In the past, when he flattered Ye Meng, he often got some benefits!

Shen Hongye believes that this is a unique symbol of the little brother!

No one else in the world can do this!

While smiling flatly, Shen Hongye waited patiently and calmly!

One interest, two interest, three interest...

After waiting for about half of the time, in the middle he continued to shoot some flattering copies of Ye Meng!

But nothing happened!

When Shen Hongye saw this, his heart suddenly became clear!

The little brother in front of me is 100% fake!

However, Shen Hongye did not immediately expose it!

He suddenly turned around and looked at Ye Meng!

Ye Meng touched his belly and hiccup!

After Shen Hongye saw it, he immediately exclaimed in exaggeration!

"God, my god, the little brother really deserves to be the only person in the world, even a simple hiccup is so shocking and weeping!"

"After I heard it, it made me feel like I was bathed in holy light..."

The faces of all the saints around have become extremely exciting!

This is the first time they have seen, such a shameless and shameless person!

Didn't Ye Dong (Taozu) just burp?

Can you actually blow out flowers?

This Nima is no one!

"Yeah, old Shen, what are you telling the truth!"

Ye Meng grinned his teeth and laughed!

When Shen Hongye saw this, his heart jumped!

However, he still didn't show any strange look, but waited patiently!

Shen Hongye cannot be blamed for making such a redundant act!

He couldn't help it, the two Ye Meng were almost exactly the same, and they couldn't tell by the naked eye!

Shen Hongye couldn't tell the difference just by relying on some past habits!

Therefore, he can only make the best move!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for gaining shameless praise..."

At this moment, electronic sounds rang in Ye Meng's mind!

"Old Shen is really old Shen, he can even come up with this method!"

After Ye Meng heard it, he was startled for a moment, and then he understood it!

He was still wondering why Shen Hongye suddenly flattered him!

It turned out that he was betting on the chance of triggering the lucky baby reward!

Although Shen Hongye didn't know the relationship between Ye Meng and his copy of Ye Meng!

However, in his opinion, facing Zhen Yemeng, as long as he works hard to flatter him, he may be rewarded!

However, Fake Yemeng definitely has no such magical ability!

In this way, the true and false are naturally clear at a glance!

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