Divine Child System

Chapter 3286: Tacit understanding

Of course, Shen Hongye didn't know that lucky babies can't be triggered 100%!

This is the need to reach the level of shameless flattery!

However, Shen Hongye is quite smart!

Combining the flattery he had received when he was rewarded in the past, he followed Ye Meng and dungeon Ye Meng to praise him!

Now, he really triggered the lucky baby talent!

Ye Meng couldn't help sighing after she figured this out!

Lao Shen's move is also considered a crooked attack!

The dungeon Ye Meng and the god-level bear child system have betrayed, but this does not mean that the talents that Ye Meng originally obtained are gone!

In fact, after he gnawed away more than half of the system, he was considered a system himself!

And the god-level bear child system, because there is only a small one left, many functions can no longer be copied!

Therefore, the poor copy of Ye Meng, in fact, only got the incomplete version of the bear child system!

Not to mention all kinds of talents, he can't get even more powerful skills!

A beam of light suddenly enveloped Shen Hongye!

The next moment, Shen Hongye's mind suddenly rang an electronic sound!

"Ding! Congratulations, shamelessly praised the host a hundred times and activated the companion system!"

"The companion system-the god-level flattering king system, companion is open!"

"The companion host, please make persistent efforts, and strive to make yourself a qualified cute fan as soon as possible!"

A series of electronic sounds made Shen Hongye slightly confused!

However, although he is old, his thinking reaction is very fast!

In the blink of an eye, he already reacted!

He is no stranger to the system!

He obviously got the system right now!

"True and false are divided!"

Shen Hongye wiped a sneer from his heart!

The next moment, he looked up at Ye Meng!

It was discovered that Ye Meng also happened to look to him!

The two looked at each other and said nothing!

However, in the next second, no one expected that Ye Meng and Shen Hongye suddenly shot at the same time!

Hide a knife in your smile!

God Gatling!

The scary aura of the knife hiding in the smile instantly locked the copy of Ye Meng!

Immediately afterwards, crazy bursts of fire rang!

Da da da!

In the smoke filled with gunpowder, countless bullets are like meteors, whizzing towards the instance of Yemeng!

The dungeon Ye Meng obviously didn't expect that Ye Meng and Shen Hongye would suddenly make a move!

He appeared obviously stunned!

Just for a moment, the copy Ye Meng discovered that the bullet, like a meteorite, was close at hand!

"Want to hurt me by this? Naive!"

Copy Ye Meng sneered, and waved his wrist!

A terrible light wave burst out!


The bullet collided with the light wave, making a loud roar!

For a time, the air wave flew, violent power, madness raged!

All the sages around, their complexions changed, and they all sacrificed magic weapons to resist this violent force!

No way, the levels of Ye Meng and dungeon Ye Meng now have completely surpassed them!

Don't look at them, they just used some small tricks!

But the destructive power caused is not something these saints can resist!

"Host, since it has been exposed, this place shouldn't be long, go!"

After the dungeon Ye Meng resolved Ye Meng's offensive, just about to fight back, the voice of the god-level system rang!

Hearing this, the dungeon Ye Meng did not hesitate!

With a movement of his body, he swept out of the different dimension space!

But at this moment, the dungeon Ye Meng's breath has been locked, but the knife is hidden in a smile, and finally fell!

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