Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2609 I also have a trump card

By this time, the original will had already felt that it had a chance to win.

There is no need to have any other worries and fears at all, so such an attitude is destined to lead to more situations in the future.

If these things cannot be resolved, there will be no other use at all.

Qin Feng said lightly: "Don't think that you are the only one in the whole world who has a trump card. I also have a trump card, but you don't know it clearly. If you don't believe it, you can call on the power of the world now and see the heart of darkness." Can I still be called by you now?”

The Original Will, which was originally confident of winning, completely changed its expression after hearing what Qin Feng said.

He quickly mobilized such power, but his expression soon changed quite quickly.

Not to mention that it is very ugly, I can only say that it is all under control.

He said incredulously: "When did you start discovering it?"

"That naturally started after you came to the Dark Star Territory, that is, when you handed the Heart of Darkness into my hands. Based on my understanding of you, even if you reach the end of your rope, I am afraid you will never bow to me. , and your actions have obviously betrayed yourself, so this will cause some of your failures." Qin Feng shrugged with disdain.

Since some things have already occurred, there must be no big problems.

If the final result cannot be solved, it will be enough to make them even more hesitant.

The pupils of Origin Will suddenly shrunk, which really caught him off guard.

He left a trace of his own mark on the Heart of Darkness.

But when he invoked the Heart of Darkness to threaten Silver Fox, he felt that the mark was still there, but in the blink of an eye, had it been erased by Qin Feng?

How could he accept this? After all, this happened too quickly. Even if he could make some preparations in advance, it seemed that he could not avoid it at this moment.

It makes him unable to guard against it at all, so will he still have such a harvest in the end? It's all a huge unknown.

After coming back to his senses, his original will completely covered up the panic in his heart.

After all, Qin Feng is still a sophisticated person and will not reveal any trump cards at all.

Under the influence of such a condition, he still wants to try to achieve victory? That's really ridiculous.

Then he said slowly: "It's true. It seems that your wariness towards me has never diminished. But in this state, can you take other actions? Qin Feng, you Don’t say that you can make adequate preparations. In my opinion, this is just a joke.”

Nowadays, as long as you are prepared, there is basically not much to worry about.

If the final result is still like what it is now, then it’s not very accurate.

"What? After learning about my trump card, do you still want to take advantage of the presence of foreign enemies to deal with me first?" Qin Feng raised his eyebrows, with a hint of joking on his face.

How could he not be clear? The story here is bound to be full of quite a few surprises.

As for whether he can accept this? This is unknown.

But now it seems that if they want to make those preparations again, they have to make them not take precautions.

As for the people from the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, they stood aside and watched the show with great interest.

They want to see how the current original will will be solved logically?

Now it seems that the overall situation has already become different.

If you want to make those preparations in the end, it will definitely not be that simple.

Then, the original will shook his head and said: "Qin Feng, if I didn't have two brushes in my hands, do you think I would be so rash to break up with you? There is no need for it at all. The reason why it is like this is just because of me I just want to take advantage of this opportunity to solve this problem faster, but this does not mean that I will lose all other principles."

After hearing this, Qin Feng made a gesture of invitation.

He signaled that he could continue, but he would never feel any fear.

After all, some things, once they occur, will naturally not be that simple.

No matter what, he would never be afraid of it.

All he saw was that the original will snapped his fingers, and Fengyang ran over in a hurry.

"How are you preparing?" Origin Will asked casually.

In fact, in my heart, I have already made all the preparations.

Fengyang hurriedly said: "Sir, the three powerful men of the Dark Prison have been assembled."

After hearing this, the original will nodded with satisfaction.

This is also the only adequate preparation he can make at present. The three powerful men in the Dark Prison are, to put it bluntly, tempered with the heart of darkness. They are humanoid killing machines. They will only listen to their own orders, and when encountering Gods kill gods, and Buddhas kill Buddhas when they meet.

The more you fight, the braver you become, that invincible situation can finally settle down after being cultivated for several eras.

Then I saw only three strong men whose hands and feet were bound by void chains, slowly walking out of the dark prison.

Their eyes are empty, and there are countless inscriptions densely packed on their bodies. Their skins are all gray and white. Even from a long distance, they can detect the drop in temperature.

Even Yang Tianlong and others, who have reached the realm of the strongest, can't help but tremble.

No wonder the original will dares to face such a head-on confrontation today. It turns out that it has already made such preparations?

After seeing them appear, the original will smiled faintly and said: "I don't think there is any need to say more about their origins. If you can still deal with these three existences today, then I really admire you." ”

Seeing this look of sure victory, everyone around him was stunned for a while.

Why does this kind of person appear? It is simply unbelievable. Even wanting to make those preparations and assurances again seems to be unavoidable at this moment. If they are no longer able to have other absolute chances and assurances of winning, this matter There is absolutely no need to continue.

Apart from bringing great disaster to them, I can't think of any other possibility.

"Brother Silver Fox, what kind of medicine is being sold in the heart of this original will?" The master of Fenglong Hall whispered at this moment.

It was a relief that they started an internal strife.

But why do you feel now that the power drawn by the original will is actually not so vulnerable?

What changes will this kind of illusion bring about to them once it appears? This is unknown.

This may even make them extremely uncomfortable in the end and simply unstoppable.

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