Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2610 Dark Prison God of War

The tenth captain stretched lazily, looked at the businessman sideways, and said: "Why, you can go faster if you say you want. Is it you who has the final say here or me? It happens every day these days." There are so many people, my hands are so tired, how can I get up quickly?"

"That's it, that's it. Sir, thank you for your hard work, but here we have to sell the goods as quickly as possible, so I would like to ask you to speed up the progress as soon as possible." After saying that, the businessman reached out to the captain's hand. Behind.

"Hmph." Jiang Hao snorted coldly. With his cultivation, he could certainly sense that the businessman took out a handful of copper coins and handed it to the ten-captain. The ten-captain also accepted it calmly. He came over, showing no politeness at all.

"Master, don't be angry. This kind of situation is very normal in Shangtu City. It can also be regarded as one of the benefits of the Northern Expeditionary Army. You must know that soldiers guarding checkpoints are not so easy to be used as soldiers." Generally speaking, such soldiers are either related or a reward for fighting bloody battles on the battlefield," Tara said in a low voice. He had also been to Shangtu City for business, so he naturally knew the secrets.

After the captain took the silver, his face looked better. He stood up, led the merchant to the front of his goods, and said to the soldiers who were looking at the goods: "In this case, then I will Come on, brothers, check him out, carefully."

"Yes, boss." The soldiers naturally knew what their captain's words meant, so they said with a playful smile.

"Brothers, open the goods and let the military men take a good look." After the merchant heard what the tenth captain said, he was overjoyed and hurriedly ordered his men.

"What do you have here?" asked the captain.

"Master Jun, here are all medicinal materials, and there are no prohibited items." As the businessman said, he randomly grabbed a handful from the goods and handed them to the captain of ten.

After the captain saw the merchant's goods, he smiled and said, "You are now rich."

"No, no, thanks to all the military masters, this is a small business, just to make ends meet." The businessman said with a smile.

"Jiang Zhong, what do they mean? Why did the tenth captain say he got rich." Jiang Hao asked strangely.

"Young Master, look." Tara pointed to the goods that leaked out immediately and said: "These goods of his are basically Chiyan Pills. This medicine is a proprietary medicine, which is mixed with a variety of medicinal materials. It is mainly used for treating cold syndrome. Treatment can also be used to feed livestock. The chance of surviving the cold winter for livestock fed Chiyan Pills is three or four levels higher than that of livestock not fed Chiyan Pills. Therefore, these Chiyan Pills can be said to be priceless on the grassland. city."

"Any tribe who gets it will keep it like a treasure. However, although the herbs used in this Red Flame Pill are relatively common, it is very troublesome to prepare, so the output has not been high. This person doesn't know where he got so much Red Flame Pills. Maru, this is indeed a fortune."

"That's it." Jiang Hao nodded, indicating that he understood.

While Jiang Hao and Tara were talking, the soldiers had already begun to check the goods carried by the businessman. They did not take it lightly just because they accepted the money, but carefully checked the goods carried by the businessman. After checking it, he said to the captain: "Boss, these are all medicinal materials, there are no prohibited items."

After the businessman heard this, he hurriedly said to the captain of ten: "Master, you have finished the inspection. Look..."

At this time, the ten-capion commander suddenly took out a dagger and slashed it at the merchant. The merchant was startled by the ten-capion commander's actions and hurriedly stepped back, but the ten-capion commander's dagger But like a shadow, it scratched beside him.

"Okay." Jiang Hao cheered. The captain's move was indeed beautiful. The businessman's cultivation was not weak. He dodged backwards in time, but he was still scratched by the captain's dagger. , with this skill, only the centurion in Jiang Hao's Weizhou lieutenant could be used, and this man was just a small centurion in the Northern Army.

The Northern Expeditionary Army is indeed well-deserved, Jiang Hao thought silently, but there was no look of frustration on Jiang Hao's face, because he knew that Weizhou Lieutenant was not as good as the Northern Expeditionary Army, just because of the time he took over the Northern Expeditionary Army. It's just too short. If he is allowed to stay in Weizhou for another ten years, and with Gong Yudou who has learned Meng Tian's art of war, Weizhou Wei's combat power will definitely be comparable to that of the Northern Army.

"There are no prohibited items, so what is this?" the tenth captain said with a cold snort.

The businessman looked down and found that a small cloth bag on his waist had been cut open, and some crystal white powder flowed out of the small cloth bag, which was table salt.

"This is a small oversight. I forgot to mention it. Master Jun, we came from Xuzhou and had to sleep in the wild along the way, so we brought some salt with us. If Mr. Jun said we couldn't bring it in, I would leave it here immediately. "The businessman said hurriedly.

"Oh, the quantity is not much for your own use. In this case, you can bring it in." The tenth captain waved his hand, indicating that the merchant could leave, and then a soldier handed the merchant a road note. , it clearly states his number of people, the number of horses and what his cargo is.

As if he had received an amnesty, the businessman saluted the ten-capion, took the road sign, quickly packed his goods, and walked towards Shangtu City.

"Tara, are his salts going to be sold to the Mongolian tribe in Shangtu City?" Jiang Hao asked in a low voice.

"Sir, that's of course. Don't look at the little salt, but with this much salt, you can get at least two sheep back from the Mongolian tribe." Tara said quietly.

"Then why doesn't he care about it? Don't you know?" The person Jiang Hao was talking about was naturally the captain of ten.

"How could the ten-captain not know about it? It's just that this kind of thing is tacitly approved. After all, the quantity is not too much. Moreover, when some tribes trade, they will also add the clause of selling some salt, so he also Turn a blind eye, as long as those businessmen don't go too far. He just exposed this matter. He was just dissatisfied that the businessman did not tell the truth to him. He just warned the businessman not to treat him as a fool. ." Tara replied.

After saying this, Tara said mysteriously: "But Master, there is one thing that the tenth captain may not know. When the businessman comes back, he will do something wrong under his nose."

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