Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 306 The Evil-Warding Clan

Qin Feng didn't force him to stay when Jiexie wanted to leave. The cost of killing a Jixie was not proportional to the reward, and the consequences would be too serious. At the moment, Qin Feng didn't want to form any mortal enemy with Jixie.

Zhen Yun looked at the slowly closing golden portal and was shocked in her heart. The girl was only at the Soul Dan level, but she could travel freely in the void.

"You have the ability to keep them, why don't you keep them?" Zhen Yun couldn't help but ask.

"First, pay attention to the tone of your words. I am not your subordinate. Please don't speak to me in such a questioning tone. Second, it is not your decision whether you can keep them or not." Qin Feng snorted lightly.

Zhen Yun didn't expect this guy to be so difficult to communicate with, but when he saw the identity tag on Qin Feng's waist, his pupils shrank, Qin Feng!

"You are that Qin Feng!" Zhen Yun's beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

"Qin Feng, the Qin Feng who dominates the rankings!"

"No way, is it really him?"

"Wow, I finally saw one alive!"

The warriors who can dominate the endless battle world are all monsters. As long as Qin Feng doesn't die on the way, becoming the emperor is a sure thing.

"No wonder he can defeat Beichen with one move. It turns out he is a dominating warrior. With him here, we will definitely win!"

"If what I just said made you feel uncomfortable, I hereby apologize to you!" Zhen Yun put down her arrogance. She had nothing to be proud of in front of the Dominating Warrior.

Qin Feng nodded: "I accept your apology!"

"Hiss!" The warriors who followed Zhen Yun couldn't help but gasp. This kid really dared to respond.

Zhen Yun smiled slightly: "Now that the war situation is urgent, we must be prepared. We will not have reinforcements in a short time. Should we attack or defend next?"

"You decide this. I'm just here to earn military exploits. The only thing I can guarantee is that I will kill every monster that stands in front of me!" Qin Feng said lightly.

Zhen Yun nodded: "Then my decision is to take the initiative. You and I will lead a team of ten people into the demon clan's hinterland and defeat them before they have a firm foothold."

Qin Feng looked at Zhen Yun with admiration. This woman is so courageous. She dares to take the initiative even when the enemy is strong and we are weak. She must be confident in her own strength.

"Okay!" Qin Feng nodded. Anyway, killing a Soul Core Realm monster will give you a thousand points of military merit. Killing is not a killing.

"The rest of us are holding on to the fortress. No one is allowed to attack without my order!"

"Yes, sir!"

Under the extremely unfavorable circumstances of the battle in the Biyan Realm, this woman's courage to carry the banner proves that she has confidence in her own strength and can turn the battle situation in the Biyan Realm around.

Moreover, Zhen Yun did not flinch when facing Beichen. If Qin Feng hadn't taken action, Zhen Yun would have fought fiercely with Beichen.

Beichen Meng is considered a strong person among the Beichen Monster Clan, and Zhen Yun's strength is probably not inferior to that of Beichen Meng.

"Is that girl who suddenly appeared also a demon?" Zhen Yun approached Qin Feng.

"The evil-fighting royal family among the demon clan can travel through the void by birth." Qin Feng said lightly.

"Evoking evil, why have I never heard of it?" Zhen Yun blinked.

"Because the number of exorcisms is so small that they almost never leave the ancestral demon world, and the demon clan has retreated to the ancestral demon world for hundreds of thousands of years. It is normal for warriors in this era not to know that exorcisms are normal." Qin Feng said lightly.

A gleam flashed in Zhen Yun's eyes: "You know so much, your master must be great, right?"

"She must be very happy to hear you praise her so much!" The corners of Qin Feng's mouth rose slightly.

"Lord Zhen Yun, there are monsters in front of you!" Suddenly a warrior reminded.

"Position, quantity!" Zhen Yun instantly entered a fighting state, with his long sword unsheathed and flying swords hovering above his head.

"Twenty miles to the northwest, thirty in number!" The warrior's heels had roots piercing into the ground.

Different from Wang Gang's Spiritual Grass spirit, this warrior's spirit can blend into the ground and determine the approximate location and quantity through the vibrations of the ground.

"Kill!" A murderous intention flashed in Zhen Yun's eyes, and the flying sword escaped.

Qin Feng waved his hand, and the blood-fire thunder gang condensed into a flying sword, following closely behind.

This Zhen Yun is following the path of sword cultivation, and his major is the sword cultivation technique Zongjian Wanli. This type of sword cultivation uses flying swords. The idea of ​​a warrior who practices sword control is to eliminate the enemy on the path of attack. .

For the flying sword, the distance of twenty miles was approaching in an instant. Qin Feng's flying sword arrived first and the demon clan had no time to react. The flying sword condensed by blood, fire and thunder pierced the demon clan's heart.

"Ding!" The flying sword paused slightly, and the sword tip only penetrated a little before being blocked.

After a moment of pause, the attacked monster immediately used his true energy to knock down the flying sword!

"The body-protecting spiritual weapons must be at least fifth grade!" Qin Feng sighed slightly. These monsters were all equipped with spiritual weapons of fifth grade or above.

"Clang!" Zhen Yun's flying sword missed the opportunity and was blocked by the combined efforts of the two monsters.

I have to say that the combat power of this demon race is indeed much stronger than that of human warriors, especially since most of today's warriors practice simplified techniques, and the difference in combat power is even greater.

"But you seem to underestimate me too much!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, pointed his finger, and the blood-fire thunder and flying sword turned into two, two into four, four into eight...

In an instant, thousands of flying swords enveloped all the demon clan!


"Boom!" The thirty demon clan were caught off guard and were directly overwhelmed by the thousands of flying swords.

However, even so, the demon clan persisted for a full cup of tea before being eliminated. With their good cultivation and sophisticated spiritual weapons, if they were human warriors of the same level, they would not have to pay ten times the price. Possibly annihilate them all.

"The monsters are so tenacious!" Zhen Yun looked a little ugly looking at the corpses of these monsters. She only killed two of the thirty monsters, and Qin Feng killed the rest.

"The demon clan is different from the opponents you have encountered in the past. After cultivating and living for hundreds of thousands of years, no one knows how far their martial arts have developed. But since they dare to challenge the world, at least they will not be better than hundreds of thousands of people." Weak years ago!" Qin Feng said.

Even if the Monster Clan has not made progress, at least it has not regressed, but the Human Race has regressed. Maybe the Human Race has not regressed in terms of high-end combat power, but as the backbone of the True Yuan Realm to the Fatian Realm warriors, there is already a huge gap. .

This is an unprecedented battle that sweeps through all the worlds. Even the power of the Great Emperor is insignificant in this battle. One Great Emperor cannot reverse the defeat of the battle.

"These are tiger monsters, lower-level monsters, not even the strongest monsters." Qin Feng said.

This magnificent battle has finally begun!

"Sir!" Beichen suddenly knelt on the ground. The arrogant Beichen demon clan actually knelt down too!

The ethereal girl frowned slightly: "You ruined the plan!"

"This subordinate is not doing his job well. Please give me a chance to make amends. I will definitely bring his head back." Beichen said fiercely.

"You are no match for him! This human race is very strong, stronger than you think. I have only seen one such strong man, and I am afraid that only the Imperial Brother can defeat him."

Beichen Meng was shocked. He didn't expect that the adults would have such a high opinion of Qin Feng. As for the emperor's brother Beichen Meng, he also knew that it was the light of the demon clan. He was blessed by the ancestors of the demon clan when he was born. , and can even communicate with ancestral spirits, and its strength has surpassed that of the evil-warming kings of all generations!

"With him here, our plan to capture this world may be affected. Next, I hope you will not attack without authorization and advance and retreat together with our demon army. The demon army needs you, the light of Beichen, to lead it!" the girl said.

"Yes!" Beichen responded by punching his chest hard.

The demon clan has been preparing for this return for hundreds of thousands of years. How could it be such a trivial fight? The demon clan in front of them is just foreplay, and the real show is yet to come.

A golden portal suddenly appeared above the floating island, and a palm stretched out from the golden portal.

The Beast Emperor snorted: "Jixie, you are not welcome here!"

"Buzz!" The golden portal shattered.

However, a figure still passed through the golden portal. An ordinary-looking middle-aged man looked at the Beast Emperor: "Old friends are reminiscing about old times, why should we reject people thousands of miles away?"

"Friend, anyone who comes in without saying hello is either a friend or a thief!" The Beast Emperor snorted coldly.

"I didn't expect you would still look like this after so many years!" The middle-aged man smiled slightly.

"Why, are you planning to come to my place to establish your authority in the battle of the monster clan's return?" The Beast Emperor raised his eyebrows.

"You know very well that I have no hostility. When I invited you to join the Monster Clan, you refused. Now that I come here again, it is enough to show my sincerity." The middle-aged man said.

The Beast Emperor waved his hand, and the space changed. She and the middle-aged man appeared in a strange space.

"Even after so many years, my answer is still the same, if you want to fight, then fight!"

"He will come back and lead the demon clan to regain everything they have lost. You should know what this means. Our demon clan is unstoppable in unifying all worlds, and only in this way can we save all worlds!"

"If you want to do it, do it. Let me see if the king of the evil-fighting clan is really as powerful as the legend says!" The Beast Emperor snorted.

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly and shook his head. The golden portal appeared and he retreated into the golden portal.

"It's not like him to be so cowardly. Is the legend true? This guy was deposed by Emperor Wu?" The Beast Emperor frowned.

"The ability of the evil-fighting tribe to travel through the void is really annoying. It is safer to strengthen the basic formation around the floating island!" When the Beast Emperor complained about the evil-fighting tribe's ability to travel through the void, she did not realize that she was doing the same thing. of.

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