Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 307 A heavy blow

"How's it going? Can you hold on?" Qin Feng took out a pill and stuffed it into Zhen Yun's mouth.

Zhen Yun blushed and nodded: "No problem, I can still hold on!"

Qin Feng nodded and distributed the pills to the others. This time, one person was killed and six were seriously injured. Even Zhen Yun was hit by a sword in the waist and abdomen, dripping with blood.

The ten-man team that originally assembled the strongest team in the Biyan world lost one member in just two days, and all the remaining ones were injured.

The most frightening thing is that the morale of this team has dropped to freezing point. If nothing else happens, they will be unable to fight anymore.

They are all the top Soul Core Realm warriors in the Endless War Realm. They were originally extremely confident. Since the ancestors of the human race can drive the demon tribe back to the ancestral demon realm, they can naturally do the same.

But the reality gave them a blow. Even if the numbers were equal, they were no match for each other. If Qin Feng hadn't rushed back in time, Zhen Yun and others would have died at the hands of the demon clan.

Zhen Yun endured the pain in her abdomen and stood up. This time was a painful blow to them. She couldn't even think of any words of comfort. The difference was too obvious.

Even Zhen Yun can only fight to a draw with these monsters, and Zhen Yun is already a rare strong person in the Soul Pill Realm of the Endless War Realm.

"Is the gap between us and the demon clan really that big?" Zhen Yun couldn't help but ask.

"To be honest, it's quite big. The demon race is born much stronger than our human race, and they have never relaxed in these years. The human race is a bit arrogant, thinking that they are really the masters of all realms, but they don't know that the human race is just It only occupies more territory, but it is far from comparable to ancient races such as the Monster Clan!" Qin Feng's answer was very straightforward.

It was so straightforward that Zhen Yun was frightened. She had never thought that the powerful human race was so vulnerable?

Powerful, these two words have never appeared on the human race. The human race is not the strongest race in the world. It has not been from the beginning to the end. There are many races that are stronger than the human race.

But even so, the human race is still rising step by step from the lowest race in the past, competing with those ancient and powerful races, and even stepping on those ancient and powerful races little by little.

The human race may not be considered powerful, but it has never surrendered. Generations of strong human race men have held up the sky of the human race, and the human race has achieved its current status!

Qin Feng ignored those dejected warriors from the Endless War Realm. These people thought that they were the proud ones who had experienced hundreds of battles. However, in Qin Feng's view, they were still flowers growing in a greenhouse. Once they suffered setbacks, they would not be able to afford it.

Wiping the Duan Kong Sword in his hand, a gap appeared on the edge of the ninth-grade spiritual weapon Duan Kong Sword.

Recalling the battle just now, it was clear that he was the one who trapped and killed him, and killing people like Zhen Yun was just incidental.

The monsters at the peak of the Three-Headed Soul Pill Realm actually carry eighth-grade high-level spiritual weapons, and there is a complete set of them. Even Qin Feng has some trouble killing them.

These three-headed Soul Core Realm monsters were even more determined to die. Even though they knew they were defeated by Qin Feng, they still fought to the death and finally blew themselves up to lure Qin Feng into the water.

If Qin Feng hadn't had the Sky-Breaking Sword, he might have been hit. Death would have been inevitable, but serious injury was unavoidable.

"Are the demon clan so rich? They can even equip the Soul Core Realm demon clan with a complete set of eighth-grade spiritual weapons." Even Qin Feng was secretly speechless. How much money has this demon clan accumulated after hundreds of thousands of years of silence? How many spiritual weapons.

"However, in this battle, I killed eight soul-dan realm monsters again, and gained another 8,000 points of combat merit." Qin Feng organized his thoughts and prepared for the next battle.

As for the remaining defeated soldiers, Qin Feng didn't bother to care. Whether they could survive it or not was up to them. If they could survive, their strength would reach a higher level. If they couldn't, they would sink forever.

"Why is there such a big gap between the two soul elixir realms?" Zhen Yun couldn't help but ask, holding her still bleeding abdomen.

"There will be gaps in every realm. When you are in the Pulse Opening realm, you are a little worse than others. When you are in the Giant Power realm, you are a little behind. By analogy, as your cultivation level increases, these gaps will become bigger and bigger. In the Soul Pill realm, you are just a little bit behind. At the beginning, just look at it, some of the strong men in the human race will cry!" Qin Feng chuckled.

This gap is constantly accumulating. The higher the cultivation level, the more obvious the gap becomes. When you reach the realm of the Great Emperor, it may be so big that it makes people despair.

The old emperors who lived in the same era as him were okay, but the new emperors in this ten thousand years were especially obvious. They would probably collapse when facing the monster emperor.

Some clues of this can already be seen in the Burial Sect Realm. They are also in the realm of the Great Emperor, but Zhao Keding can't even fight back in front of the Beast Emperor. The difference is too obvious.

The foundation, the foundation is very important. However, the warriors of this era have ignored the foundation. The techniques they practice are all about speed and quick success. The warriors in the Fatian realm can naturally crush the Soul Dan realm, but when they encounter the truly powerful When he was a warrior in the Fatian realm, the result was naturally a brutal beating.

It is expected that the warriors of the Endless War Realm will suffer setbacks. They are not as good as the demons by nature, and they do not work as hard as the demons in training. If they can win, it will be a ghost.

However, the Endless War Realm is just one of the human forces. The human race occupies thousands of realms, and the human race still has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers.

Qin Feng didn't care much about the war in the outside world. A person in the Soul Dan realm didn't have the ability to reverse the situation. What really worried him was the Jade Flame Realm.

It is understandable that the demon clan wants to seize the resources of the human race, but even the evil-warming royal family has come, and there are also powerful demon clans with eighth-grade spiritual weapons all over their bodies, just to occupy a world that produces Biyan Fruit. area?

Give me a break!

Qin Feng instinctively felt that there was something unusual in it!

The exorcism clan rarely leaves the ancestral demon world. Even when the demon clan retreated, the exorcism clan only stayed on the periphery of the ancestral demon world to support them. This time, another exorcist clan left the ancestral demon world directly and entered the green flame world!

What kind of thing can actually make Jixie leave the ancestral demon world and conquer this inconspicuous realm with the tens of thousands of demon clans?

Qin Feng frowned: "Do you know something?"

Zhen Yun was stunned: "What do you know?"

"It's nothing, it seems I'm overthinking it!" Qin Feng shook his head.

"You guys go back, the next step is for me to fight alone!" Qin Feng looked at the neat demon army in the distance, which numbered at least 50,000, and was still growing.

"Are you alone? Don't do anything stupid, you..."

"I'm different from you!" Qin Feng smiled slightly and tore open the void, and a gate of void appeared above the demon army formation.

"Bang!" A piece of wind-wrapped silk exploded in the demon army formation. The overbearing poison instantly paralyzed the surrounding demon warriors and spread at a terrifying speed.

"Be careful, it's poisonous!" Many demon warriors held their breath and used their true energy to resist the poison.

They were fine if they didn't use their true energy, but they immediately fell down as soon as they used their true energy.

The ethereal girl pointed with her slender finger, and all the poison that was spreading was shrunk together.

"Warning off evil!" Qin Feng snorted. Originally, he didn't expect that a single wind-winding thread could defeat those monsters.

However, the power of exorcism to control space is really scary. In his last life, he almost suffered a loss at the hands of that old bastard, the exorcist king. Naturally, he is particularly afraid of the ability of the exorcist clan.

Huge monster beasts appeared in the demon clan's military formation. These monster beasts seemed to have been raised by the demon clan using secret methods. Their skin and flesh were so hard that the earth trembled every step they took!

The number of this huge monster beast is not just one or two, but hundreds or thousands!

"I have never seen this kind of monster before!" Qin Feng casually performed a sword technique, and a sword light directly struck the body of the monster.

"Clang!" There wasn't even a single scar on the monster's body, and the sword didn't hurt the monster at all.

Beichen sneered fiercely: "If you don't overestimate your capabilities, how can a mere sword light hurt the war beast of our demon tribe?"

"Let's start!" The ethereal girl looked in the direction of Qin Feng. Although they were thousands of miles apart, they both sensed each other's presence.

"Yes, for the glory of the demon clan, kill!" Beichen, who was dressed in golden armor, stood up and took the lead, and powerful true energy spurted out from his body.

Almost at this moment, tens of thousands of demon clans released their true energy without hesitation, and the thick true energy connected into one piece.

"Monster clan battle formation!" A cold light flashed in Qin Feng's eyes. The battle formation formed by tens of thousands of demon clans was almost invincible in the green flame world.

"What's wrong?" Zhen Yun couldn't help asking when she saw Qin Feng's face was a little ugly.

Qin Feng stuck the Duan Kong Sword on the ground: "There will be a fierce battle next. You can run as far as you can. No matter what happens, don't look back!"

"A warrior from the Endless War Realm will never abandon his companions and run away!" Zhen Yun forced herself to stand beside Qin Feng. She wanted to fight side by side with Qin Feng.

"Very good!" Qin Feng waved his hand and struck Zhen Yun's snow-white back of the neck with a knife. Zhen Yun's body went limp and fell into Qin Feng's arms.

"If you don't want to die, take him back to Biyan Fortress!" Qin Feng threw Zhen Yun to those warriors. Whether they would obey or not was not within the scope of Qin Feng's consideration.

He can't take care of these weaklings in the next battle!

Qin Feng took out the Soul-Seducing Arrow, and in the Emperor Soul Void Realm, it was the second arrow that killed the Immortal Emperor. Even the Emperor could be killed. You can imagine how powerful this arrow was.

The soul-seizing arrow shoots not the body but the soul. If the warrior's soul is shattered, even if he doesn't die, he will still be severely injured!

"Buzz!" Even though Qin Feng's soul is ten times more powerful now, when he holds the soul-seducing arrow, he still feels that his soul is being swallowed up bit by bit by the soul-seizing arrow.

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