Divine Star System

Chapter 1870: Comprehensive rescue drill

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Not long after, the data on the big screen changed again. The team that was originally ranked third in the backfire jumped to the top, temporarily surpassing the Longya team for eight seconds, and temporarily won the group first.

The whole scene was immediately uproar! Because Zhang Yu's vehicle drive this time, not only recovered eight seconds behind Longya, but also surpassed the opponent by eight seconds. In other words, he was 16 seconds faster than these opponents in the same group. This is too exaggerated!


Ding Yu of the Dragonfangs team saw this and did not know what to say. Although he felt it before, Zhang Yu's speed was not low this time, but being able to reach such a point made him very speechless. Now even if he doesn't want to believe it, he has to believe it, the kid on the field is one of the biggest variables in this game.

Jiang Peng was excited when he saw this. It can be said that the team can take the three first in the equipment competition, which has never happened before.


With the end of the last team of the next group of the South South Sword Team, the entire vehicle driving project is also over.

Guodong backfire team, relying on Zhang Yu's outstanding performance, successfully counterattack, won the group first, once again scored five points for the team, three combinations scored 15 points, ranked first in the project.

The Intermediate Longya team, eight seconds behind, ranked second in the group, scoring four points and twelve points for the three combinations, ranking second in the project.

The Guonan Lijian team, 19 seconds behind, was third in the group and scored three points. The three combination scored six points, ranking fourth in the project.

The North Tigers team was 26 seconds behind, the group was fourth, scored two points, and the three groups also totaled six points, tied for fourth in the project.

Guoxi Phantom Team, more than thirty seconds behind, ranked last in the group and scored only one point. The three groups also scored a total of six points, also tied for fourth in the project.


The three teams, Phantom, Tiger, and Sword, even tied in the first three rounds, leaving the three captains speechless.

Both Yu Junping and Huang Hongzhi were very dissatisfied with their team's performance in this round. Because the integrated project now has only the last item left. Judging from the current situation, who would be the bottom end, the results can be imagined.

Although Yan Licheng was satisfied with the team's performance, he was quite satisfied. But after all, the three teams are tied at the moment. If they make a mistake in the next round, they may still be in the tail of the crane. Therefore, it is useless to temporarily relax.


With the final end of vehicle driving, the final round of comprehensive project competitions, comprehensive rescue drills, officially began.

During the rescue exercise, the five major teams will compete on the same stage, and all members will play. I have to say that as one of the highlights of the comprehensive project, this project will determine the final ranking of the five major teams in this round of competition.

Zhang Yu returned to the team, accepting the simple congratulations of everyone, followed by carrying the weight, fully armed, and stood up as the team came to the starting point.


For the five captains of the podium, this round of competition is a crucial game. Although the battle for the first place is currently the battle between the Longya team and the backfire team, it is also very tense for the other three major teams. After all, it is better to score one point than to lose one point.

The chiefs of the major military regions are now watching the battle on the rostrum! The better the grade, the more face the chief officer belongs to, and the worse the grade, the harder the face of the chief officer. Therefore, if conditions permit, of course, a few people would like to make it easier for the chief executives to have a better face.


The game has not yet started, and the players of the five major teams turned their heads and looked at the competitors in the same group.

Xue Wu of the Longya Clan and Zuo Yicheng of the Tigers clan, because they were relatively close, they inevitably looked at each other, followed what they thought of, and looked at Zhang Yu on the side together. Because both of them now see him as their biggest competitor, naturally they will not despise his existence.

In fact, not only Xue Wu and Zuo Yicheng, many people in the five major teams are watching Zhang Yu. It seems that they all want to see what this person has, three heads and six arms, how can it be so comprehensive.

But no matter how you look at them, they don't see anything from him. Except for the tall and thin skin and a little white skin, nothing seems special. If you have not seen the strength of the other person with your own eyes, it will be difficult for everyone to believe that such an ordinary young man would be so powerful.


"Everyone please prepare!" The referee on the sideline suddenly exclaimed.


The people of the five major teams heard the words, one after another regained their sight and cluttered thoughts, and looked forward.

"Pop!" The gun started!

Five teams, rush forward immediately!

There was a loud noise again ...


Zhang Yu and his party quickly rushed to the side of a dry rubber boat, opened the lock, unfolded the hull, followed one person to grab a corner, and dragged forward.

When the crowd dragged the rubber boat, they came to the huge pool, unloaded their backpacks, took out a simple pump with a foot-type pump, and started to inflate the rubber boat.

The rubber boat is composed of several independent gas tanks, so everyone can pump up together, which is considered to be their own work.

Zhang Yu is also in charge of an air tank. Due to the rhythm limitation of the simple pump, although he wants to be faster, he still can't get up.


The five major teams are all busy cheering the rubber boat at this moment, seemingly simple work, but these people are busy sweating.

Not long after, rubber boats gradually bulged, and they grew bigger and bigger ...

The Longya team, relying on their collective physical fitness and sense of rhythm, took the lead in completing the inflatable work, dragged the rubber boat, and rushed to the pool.

The Tigers finished second, while the Phantoms finished third.

The backfire team was anxious to see everyone in this situation, but the boat must be full of gas. Insufficient inflation will affect the speed of travel in the water, and there is the danger of overturning the boat.

Zhang Yu felt that the pump under his feet didn't seem to be easy to use. Although he stepped on it very quickly, the amount of inflation was average. He had to say that he was dying.

In the end, the backfire team and the sharp sword team completed the inflation almost at the same time, and the opponents in the same group, already sitting in the boat, rushed far away.

Zhang Yu and his party were upset, grabbed the rubber boat with one hand, and the paddles that Cao Bo had placed, and rushed towards the pool.

After the rubber boat entered the water, eight people boarded the boat one by one, and rowed forward under the slogan of Yan Hao.

The boating thing, because it is about rhythm, needs to be upset and not slow, and the strength is the same. Although Zhang Yu feels that the strength is too great, but it is not used, he can only follow the rhythm of the team a little bit, and row forward ...

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