Divine Star System

Chapter 1871: intense game

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The backfire team crossed about half the distance, and Longya's team had landed and ran towards the next link.

The two teams, the Tigers and the Phantom, also landed back and forth. The two teams are not far apart, and they do not see who has the advantage.


Zhang Yu and his team also dropped the rubber boat and rushed forward together.

When the backfire team and the sword team came to the rockery, the three teams of Longya, Tigers and Phantom have already started to climb the rockery. Among them, the Longya team is the fastest, and some people have successfully reached the top. I have to say that the speed is very fast.


Yan Hao stood at the foot of the mountain and turned around: "Zhang Yu and Jian'an have great power! You two go up first! Hurry up and catch the parcels after going up. I'll take care of the queen!"

Zhang Yu said: "Captain! I think I will be in charge of the queen!"

Yan Hao heard what he thought, and nodded, "Well then! Let me and Jian'an go up first!" After that, he unloaded his backpack, carried the rope and Tang Jian'an on his back, and climbed back to the mountain.

Due to competition regulations, safety must be observed. When climbing, every time you climb, climbers must use safety buckles. Climbing without safety buckles is against the rules and time will be deducted. This limits the climber's climbing speed, which has to be said to be a bit troublesome.

The other members of the backfire team followed Yan Hao and Tang Jianan and climbed up ...

When the two successfully reached the summit, more than half of the Dragon's Clan had already reached the summit. The Tigers and Mirage teams also successfully reached the summit, pulling their backpacks up.

After Yan Hao and Tang Jian'an reached the summit, they hurried down the ropes and took charge of the queen's Zhang Yu, tied a backpack underneath, and then dragged them up.

Fearing that the backpack would be caught by the hook on the cliff halfway, Zhang Yu needed to pull the rope below, so he had to set off last.

After Yan Hao and Tang Jian'an dragged all the packages up, the Tiger and Mirage team members in charge of the queen had already been climbing the rockery, and they had already climbed more than half. The advantages were very obvious.

Zhang Yu clasped her safety in her mouth, took a few steps back, and rushed towards the rockery quickly ... Finally, she stepped on the mountain with her hands and feet, raised it high, and grabbed a raised handle. Then he pulled up again and fastened the safety buckle on the waist to an iron ring.


When everyone on the sideline saw this, they didn't know what to say. You should know that Zhang Yu just took a breath and raised it so high that it was like a monkey, which made people admire him. Since the organizing committee did not stipulate that it was not allowed to do so when it was started, it could not be said that he was fouled.


On the next climbing, Zhang Yu's speed was very fast. Although he needed to change the safety buckle frequently, his speed was still significantly faster than the two members of the team behind the phantom and the Tigers.

The members of the Phantom Team were slightly behind the members of the Tigers. After reaching the summit, they were anxious, tied the knot in a hurry, and when they were preparing to go down the rockery, they suddenly felt something. They turned around and followed. A look of surprise.

Because Zhang Yu has already climbed up!

You know, when he was going up the mountain, the other person was still carrying a backpack underneath! How could it be so fast!

But there was no time for him to think about anything, and he hurriedly grabbed the rope and went down ...


At this time, the Tigers have rushed towards the next link.

The remaining three teams are in a hurry ...


As the members of the Phantom Team are sliding down, a few people in the Phantom Team are still more relaxed.

However, the Yan Hao people still felt a little anxious. Although they didn't see what was happening to Zhang Yu, they knew by feeling that now he can climb more than half, which is a very good result.

Just when the members of the phantom team just touched the ground and were unloading the ropes!

Cao Bo with sharp eyes suddenly said excitedly: "Look! Zhang Yu!"

"What!" Yan Hao Wenyan hurriedly looked up, and saw Zhang Yu also begin to slide downward.

A group of people from the Phantom Team were even more anxious when they saw this. After the last player untied the rope, they hurried to the next link.

Zhang Yu descended very fast. It was useless for a while, and he stepped on the ground with his feet. After turning around, they took Tang Jianan's backpack, and everyone hurried after the phantom.

The sharp swords team watching side by side, seeing this, is even more anxious, but their own team members have not seen the slightest shadow now, a few people seem to feel that their team may want cold dishes.


Phantom and Backfire ran one kilometer after another, and both teams worked hard to suckle, and were tired enough.

When the two teams arrived at the task point, the Longya team had completed this link, with the dummy injured and running towards the next link.

The Tigers not far away are still providing first aid to the dummy ...

Several people in Yan Hao put the dummy squared, and now they will start CPR.

There are now two health workers in the clan, one is Zhang Yu and the other is Wei Hong. One person does chest compressions and one person does artificial respiration.

Because the two often cooperated during training, the speed was extremely fast, and the 20 groups of CPR were quickly completed. The referee next to him raised his hand to pass.

When Yan Hao saw this, it was not fun, because the Tigers had just completed this task before they started running, and they actually completed it, and they recovered a lot of time.

As the game was not over yet, several people hurriedly put the heavy dummy on a simple stretcher, tied it strong, and ran forward.

Zhang Yu hurriedly said at this time: "I'll just drag it! Queen Lao Wei! You hurry!"

Several people in Yan Hao knew Zhang Yu's strength. Although it was a bit excessive to let him drag over two hundred kilos of dummy alone, but now it was time, and there was no time for them to think about it. The Tigers chased.

The Tigers also seemed to feel that they were backfire, chasing them very hard, and also used the power to feed.

Although Zhang Yu dragged the dummy alone, his speed was not much slower than his peers in the same group. Soon, this group of people gradually approached the Tigers.

The two teams started in front of the obstacles ...

When he came to the wooden frame, Zhang Yu dropped the dummy and ran towards the wooden frame. In three breaths, he rushed to the top of the frame and turned and beckoned.

Tang Jian'an also rushed up, grabbed Zhang Yu's hand, and the same was true of several others.

Yan Hao, who was in charge of the palace, threw the rope on the stretcher to Zhang Yu. Several people worked together to pull the dummy up ... When several people got off the shelf, they were a little bit ahead of the Tigers.

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