The house where Fang Fan and others stayed is a standard family of four!

An old couple and a pair of children.

"A few of you can live here with peace of mind, everyone is a human race, and it is reasonable to help each other!"

"As for the salary or something, forget it, who hasn't been in trouble yet?"

It was the male owner of this house who was talking about Li.

Nowadays, human society is still in a tribal state, and there is still no written language of its own, so it is too common to use one word as a name.

"This is my son's soil!"

"My daughter Guo!"

"My wife Boo!"

Li smiled and introduced Fang Fan and the others.

This is a down-to-earth farmhouse, mainly living on farming and raising livestock.

Although a family of four lived in poverty, they also lived in peace and happiness.

Fang Fan could feel a sense of contentment in their looks and words.

The food for dinner is also relatively simple, some black rice, and a piece of hard bacon.

Seeing Tu and Guo's desire for that piece of bacon, they should rarely be able to eat meat on weekdays.

"I have some beast meat and rice wine here, let's drink it together!"

Fang Fan smiled slightly, and then took out a large piece of pork meat and some common rice wine from the storage ring.

It's not that he is unwilling to take out more advanced food and spirit wine, it is really difficult to digest with his strength and their physical fitness.

"No! How can this work! You are our guest! We should treat you well!"

Li shook his head quickly, wanting to refuse.

Although at this moment because poetry and books have not yet appeared, there is no so-called concept of ritual, but people are originally good at nature, and they actually have this idea in their bones.

"You provide us with accommodation and we provide food, which is fair!"

Fang Fan explained it for a long time before Li reluctantly agreed.

Seeing that his father had compromised on the side, Tuheguo suddenly grabbed the pig meat in excitement and stuffed it into his mouth frantically.

Guo didn't like to drink rice wine, but after taking a sip of this rice wine, Tu Heli completely liked the strong taste. Fang Fan accompany them to scramble, and soon the three jars of rice wine were finished.

In the small world of Chutian Pavilion, in order to have a better sense of experience, Fang Fan specially minimized his perception ability.

Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't be drunk even if he drank 10,000 jars of this kind of rice wine.

But when his perception ability dropped to its extreme, Fang Fan soon felt dizzy...

"Huh... wine is not intoxicating, everyone is drunk..."

"I all know that alcohol hurts the body and charms the mind, but once became the love of everyone... That is because immersed in the world of wine, you can temporarily remove the burden on your body in exchange for a short period of cleanliness..."

Fang Fan rubbed his painful head. At this moment, he can choose to cast a spell to remove the pain, but he did not choose to do so. Sometimes he relaxes appropriately. The inner comfort really can Fascinating...

After eating and drinking, Yun Yun and Zi Ling went for a walk, while Fang Fan stayed in the house.

At this moment, Guo's father Li was talking in her ear.

Soon, Guo walked to Fang Fan with a blushing face.

"Dear guest, Guo serves you to sleep!"

Guo said while putting his hands on Fang Fan...

Sniffing the simple fragrance in the air, Fang Fan was taken aback for a moment...

"What are you doing?"

"I'll just go back by myself..."

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