Although Fang Fan is a bit drunk at the moment, he is still somewhat sensible.

In fact, the fruit is not ugly, the skin is wheatish, the hands are a little rough because of working all the year round, and because of the young age, it is a bit difficult to support Fang Fan.

Various thoughts flew in Fang Fan's mind when he was drunk.

From the beginning of the human plane into the end of the world, and later he relied on selling cards to grasp the first line of life, gradually rose, and became stronger step by step...

This road is definitely not as easy as imagined.

It can even be said that it is very difficult!

Fang Fan sighed lightly, seeming to have returned to the era of difficult entrepreneurship.

At that time, he was very excited because of selling several healing cards and several awakening cards...

And Meier... the amazing feeling when I first saw...


Fang Fan couldn't help but whispered softly, with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

Speaking of which, I really miss it.

Unconsciously, Fang Fan couldn't help but stretch out his hands and feel free to explore...

In the middle, he seemed to hear the shock of several women.

"Guo, why are you here? This... this **** is too shameless!"

Yun Yun and Zi Ling, who had just walked in, saw Fang Fan whispering while holding Guo, and their faces suddenly showed shame.

" is voluntary...resources must serve the respected master!"

There was a firm look in Guo's eyes.

In the end, Zi Ling and Yun Yun had no choice but to force Guo away.

"Isn't this **** usually drunk? He was really drunk today!"

"If we hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid Guo would have been badly hit!"

With an angry look on Zi Ling's face, while talking, she helped Fang Fan to the bed.

"If he gets up and finds that he has done something like that, I am afraid he will be too embarrassed to look up!"

Yun Yun was also talking on the side, and Fang Fan suddenly moved as he was talking.



Fang Fan suddenly hugged Zi Ling and immediately began to kiss, the situation was out of control...

"Meier, I miss you!"

"Hmm... were you arguing with Kailin just now?"

"Hehe, I remember that the relationship between the two of you is not very good..."

While talking, Fang Fan began to knead Zi Ling as Ye Meier.

Zi Ling's body stiffened instantly and wanted to resist, but where was she Fang Fan's opponent?

"Let go... let go... don't do this..."

Zi Ling struggled in Fang Fan's arms, and the drunk Fang Fan seemed even more excited.

"Um... It's been a long time since I saw you resist so fiercely!"

"I'm an old husband and wife! As for..."

Fang Fan put his hands out while talking.

"Don't move!"

Fang Fan whispered, not loud, but with an irresistible courage!

The power of the surrounding laws suddenly rushed over and began to help Fang Fan lock everything.

Zi Ling couldn't break free...

Seeing the two get so close, Yun Yun on the side looked a little cramped...

"you guys……"

Yun Yun couldn't help showing a flushed expression on her face as she spoke.

"Yun Yun, it's not what you think...I...I can't break free, come and help me!"


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