Fang Fan's mouth looked calm and unconvincing, but he was already panicked like an old dog in his heart!

This might be an attack by a strong sanctuary! If he is really attacked, he will definitely be turned into a scum!

At that time, it was really miserable!

Fang Fan had already raised his heart to his throat, ready to leave the Chutian Pavilion small world at any time, for fear of the slightest accident, he walked away in the cool moonlight.

"Father! If you kill Fang Fan, kill me first!"

Chen Tianshi rushed over, her expression firmly stopped in front of Fang Fan.

"Daddy, don't kill Brother Fang Fan!"

Chen Tianshan also walked over and grabbed Fang Fan's arm, then stared at Chen Tianyuan.

Chen Tianyuan stared at the sky silently!

What evil did you do in your last life! Give birth to these two daughters!

All of them turned their elbows out!

His old father is so sad!

He hadn't had any murderous intentions just now, just a little tentatively tried to make Fang Fan yield and stay.

But now it's better, everything is ruined!

"Humph! From now on, this city lord will ignore your business!"

"Daughter can't help but father!"

Chen Tian was so angry that his beard was upturned, and he hummed coldly before leaving.

"Are you OK?"

Chen Tianshi turned his head, his complexion was a little dizzy.

"Well, I'm fine, thank you just now."

To be honest, the scene seemed a bit awkward...

"Then it was my father who was wrong, he shouldn't have persecuted you like this..."

"But...but what you just it true?"

Chen Tianshi twisted her hands together and her complexion became more and more flushed.

Fang Fan blinked, what did I just say? I just said so much...

"Can Princess Poem be clearer?"

Fang Fan was confused...

"That's...that sentence!"

"You said, if I am willing to follow you, you will treat me a beloved love..."

After Chen Tianshi finished speaking, his complexion was completely red.


Just as Fang Fan wanted to say something, Chen Tianshi gagged his mouth with his hands...

"You don't have to say, I know everything..."

"I won't make you embarrassed!"

"When you are ready to leave Chentian City, just tell me in advance! I will always...wait for you!"

After Chen Tianshi finished speaking, he pulled up Chen Tianshan and ran away.

Fang Fan still didn't say a word completely.

What is love in the world? Directly teach life and death!

Fang Fan gave a wry smile, and he has to pay off the romantic debt he has incurred, crying!

"Is my heart beautiful? The princess of Chentian clan showed her love in public! What a beautiful scenery! How excited!"

Zi Ling walked over and grabbed Fang Fan's waist soft flesh, directly starting a woman's essential killer...

"Haha! Someone has an image of a gentleman who doesn't want to be dismissed on the surface, but I don't know how excited he is! He pretends to be helpless!"

Yun Yun also followed the Yin and Yang weirdly talking.

The women nowadays, if they don't clean up for three days, they will shake the sky!

"You two, do you want to sleep at night?"

Fang Fan said suggestively, and Zi Ling and Yun Yun instantly turned red.


Zi Ling cursed!

"The Fang Fan I knew before was obviously a righteous gentleman! It turned out that everything was a disguise!"

"Men are really big pig hooves!"

Yun Yun directly beat Fang Fan's chest with her small fist.

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