Fang Fan said that he was really wronged.

These women misunderstood him too deeply!

So that he couldn't explain it.

After staying at Tiancheng Hotel for a few days, it soon became a battle for the ranks of the seventh-level forces...

Fang Fan came to Chentian City on this trip, in fact, his biggest goal was to promote the Human Emperor Palace to a Seventh-Rank power! The second is to enter the Chentian Secret Realm for treasure hunting.

The task that seemed to be the most difficult to complete has now become the easiest to complete.

Because there is really no difficulty in promoting the Seventh Rank...

It can only be said that it is really promoted in the sling all the way!

Also promoted at the same time are Zi Ling Palace and Soul Chasing Pavilion.

Originally, these were the eighth-rank forces of the Yaori galaxy, but now they are all promoted to the seventh-rank forces.

There were originally only two seventh-rank forces in the Yaori galaxy. After this wave, the number of seventh-rank forces directly increased to five!

"Hall Master Fang Fan, thank you!"

Gu Neng, the master of the Soul Chase Pavilion, walked to Fang Fan with a look of excitement, and his expression was unusually excited and excited.

Soul Chasing Pavilion was once the eighth rank force of the dark camp of the sun galaxy...

It seems that this title seems to be quite powerful, but if you look at it according to the normal way, it is still more difficult for them to be promoted to the seventh rank.

In the absence of special opportunities, at least this will not be possible for tens of thousands of years.

The 7th-Rank forces are too strong to crush the 8th-Rank forces!

"Hall Master Fang Fan, this is the five-hundred-hundred-hundred-million-dollar **** crystals I promised you before..."

"There are not many gods, so don't be offended."

Gu Neng, the master of the Soul Chasing Pavilion, took a breath, his expression was extremely excited and excited, while speaking, he delivered a storage ring with a sufficient number of crystals in it.

Five hundred million lower grade **** crystals, converted into the best grade **** crystals, actually have five hundred million...

For Fang Fan, who is currently in a distressed financial situation, it is tantamount to giving away charity!

After all, in order to promote several legions under his command, I have almost squeezed all the **** crystals on my body...

Now Fang Fan's situation is relatively embarrassing.

It looks extremely compelling, but in fact... the net worth is extremely embarrassing.

"It seems that we are indeed looking for a way to make money..."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and thought to himself.

"Why... open the card shop again?"

Fang Fan thought to himself that most of the **** crystals he spent in promoting the legion were actually obtained by selling cards.

It can also be said that the existence of these cards provided Fang Fan with the first pot of gold!

If the card shop has the opportunity, it can naturally continue to open.

"Opening a card shop is indeed a way, but...this process is probably a bit slow..."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and thought to himself.

At least the early popularity is a big problem.

"Forget it, don't worry about it, let's set up the stall first, what's going on...afterwards."

Fang Fan thought to himself in his heart.

Facing Fang Fan's distressed financial situation, everyone knew more or less.

Sisters Yun Yun and Yun Xiaoxiao wanted to help, but they really didn't have the financial strength.

Although Zi Ling once claimed to be one of the holy emperors of the Holy Heaven Alliance, he still had hundreds of billions of crystals on his body. Compared with the huge gap that Fang Fan needed, it was nothing but a drop in the bucket!

Looking at the general situation now, what Fang Fan wants is an astronomical figure...

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