Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2262: We are here to clean the battlefield

"Director Fang Fan, when the battle is over, let us clean the battlefield."

Zhengyi Shenzong's third peak goddess Fu Xuewei said respectfully.

If you were not used to it at the beginning, you can't help but sink into it now!

Actually... it's actually pretty good.

They Zhengyi Shenzong didn't even have a sanctuary realm cultivator. Generally, when such a large-scale battle broke out, they basically delivered food.

So from the beginning, Fang Fan ordered them to evacuate at least 300 meters as soon as the war broke out...

The main thing is not to delay Fang Fan's army from displaying combat power.

It doesn't matter if you can't help, but don't give away your head!

At the beginning, Huangfu Xuewei also resisted once, and he felt that this was really too frustrated!

The heads of melon seeds are bursting with bursts, who can withstand it?

But later, the mentality gradually became calm.

In the face of the absolute power gap, they are indeed a drag oil bottle!

When dragging an oil bottle, you have to be a little conscious.

Fang Fan and Huangfu Xuewei knew this kind of thing well, but the opposite Katie Sanctuary God Child Chaoge didn’t know. At this moment, he saw the large troops behind Fang Fan withdraw directly, and the frantic expression on his face suddenly became more and more. The ground followed more.

"I... I will go..."

"I am so..."

"My belly..."

"I'm so ridiculous! I'm so ridiculous!"

"Hahaha! Fang Fan! This hasn't fought before, and most of the people under your command will flee first!"

"This is it? This is it?"

"Do you want to rely on your hundreds of people to fight against me?"

"Ridiculous! Really ridiculous!"

"There are tens of thousands of cultivators in Katie Sanctuary by my side! They all obey my orders now!"

"You must die!"

"Fang Fan! Hahaha! I didn't expect you to have this day too!"


"Comfortable! So comfortable!"

"That's how it feels! I like it!"

"What did you do to me before, now I have to return it hundreds of times!"

"Here, there isn't any mentor Murong who will stand up for you!"

Katie Sanctuary God Child talked to the song, his teeth trembling crazily.

One can imagine the excitement in his heart at this moment.

Before really so many people, Fang Fan directly crushed him, even directly crushed his hand bones, and even twisted his arm directly from his body.

Each of these piles is a great shame!

The fairy Liuli of Baihua Palace on the other side was already distraught.

At this moment, she had already determined that Fang Fan had chosen to rush over decisively for him!

This...this is simply hitting the rock with the pebbles!

The energy of the second-class Katie Sanctuary is too strong...too strong!

Fang Fan couldn't help but smile when he looked at Chaoge, the **** child of Katie Sanctuary, with an excited and confident expression.

This guy looks so cute.

It just seems a little brainless!

This head melon seed also looked a little abnormal.

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, his eyes flickered, all kinds of thoughts gathered in his mind, and the smile at the corner of his mouth suddenly broke out!

"Go away now, maybe you can save a life."

"This is my most sincere suggestion to you."

"I really don't want to kill in vain..."

"Originally, I just cleaned up the academic tokens here and prepared to leave, but now, you need to hand over all the academic tokens on yourself before you can leave!"

"Who made you offend my little slave girl."

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