Fang Fan was talking, looking at Fairy Liuli not far away.

At this moment, when Fang Fan said this, everyone's eyes immediately focused on Fairy Liuli, Fairy Liuli's complexion turned crimson, and then he gave Fang Fan an angry look!

This guy, it's time for this kind of time, and he is still verbal...

And from this, Fairy Liuli became more and more sure that Fang Fan came here to take the risk because of him, and somehow moved in her heart...

"Sister Liuli, this man is so infatuated!"

"Hey... The nature of a man can best be seen at the moment of life and death. Little Junior Sister is a good man..."

"It's a pity... if you didn't encounter these **** in Katie Sanctuary, now... there is a dead end ahead!"

"Little Junior Sister, our sisters from Baihua Palace have to pack up and evacuated quickly..."

"The current situation is too harsh. If you don't leave, you may really have no chance!"

"Little Junior Sister..."


There was a round of noise from the surrounding area, and Fairy Liuli gritted his teeth and stood silently.

"Sisters, I can't go!"

"Since he came to save me, if he leaves now, wouldn't he just abandon him?"

"He has a deep and righteous affection for me, and I definitely can't be that kind of person!"

"I will stay here... If... If you really die in battle, that is my choice! I will not regret it, I will even feel fortunate..."

"Yes, exactly…………"

Fairy Liuli took a deep breath, and while talking, he nodded silently, various thoughts gathered in his mind, and the various feelings in his heart at this moment seemed particularly true.

I wanted to say something, but fell silent in silence.



"In front of the Son of God, did you first become in love?"

"Since you want to die together, that **** son will fulfill you!"

"This is your own death!"

"No wonder me! No wonder me!"

"Go to die! Go to die!"

"Katie Sanctuary cultivators listen to my orders!"

"Capture Fang Fan alive for this **** son, and then capture this woman alive!"

"Tsk tusk tusk... this woman looks really good..."

"Does this Fang Fan like this woman? I will tie up this **** then I will insult the woman he loves..."

"Ah... I would really like to see the angry eyes and gaze of this **** then!"

"Cool! That should be the case!"

Katie Sanctuary God Child swallowed a mouthful of saliva towards the song, and while speaking, both feet were violently trampled on the ground, his lips were chapped, and his eyes were fixed on Fang Fan. The feeling of hatred could not be expressed. .

The hatred gathered in the heart, now it is already uncontrollable!

Seeing that all the cultivators of Katie Sanctuary had rushed over, Fairy Liuli brought some of the cultivators of Hundred Flowers Sanctuary to Fang Fan...

In fact, even if they flee now, it will be difficult for them to break through the blockade.

Fairy Liuli silently walked in front of Fang Fan, and then suddenly said: "I'll hold the Chaoge in a while, find the opportunity, you quickly leave..."

"I can't hurt you..."

"I understand your kindness, but in this life we ​​are destined to have no destiny..."

"You have seen it too, I will definitely die today..."

"If you run away, there may be a silver lining..."

"The next life... if there is a chance in the next life... I... I would..."

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