It's just that at this moment, no matter how the Katie Sanctuary God Child roars towards the song, the surrounding people just don't leave, and even the eyes staring at him become sharper...

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth were raised silently, his face could not help showing a touch of mockery.

I can only say that this guy is really killing himself!

This path was completely his choice!

"Brothers! Don't listen to this bastard's nonsense! Of course he will say those nice things! Haha! In fact, to put it bluntly, doesn't it mean to let us be cannon fodder? That is so righteous! See through!"

"That's it, you shamelessly! Take out the college tokens! We took the college tokens back at the risk of our lives! Hand in them soon!"

"Yes! Hand over the academic token!"

"Hurry up! What the ink!"

"Is there any crooked idea in my mind? Still thinking of killing us?"

"Haha... I said it a long time ago, this person is not credible at all! Shameless you!"

"Take it... I'm completely convinced this time!"

"Brothers, kill him!"

The cultivators of Katie Sanctuary seem to have a sense of rhythm when you say a word to me!

The child of Katie Sanctuary who was besieged in the middle was trembling with his lips, desperate...

This... why bother!

"I'm dead, you can't live either!"

"Do you really think that Fang Fan will let you go?"

"Hehe, I tell you! No! There is absolutely no possibility that you will be spared!"

"If you don't want to die, just get out of here!"

"Go away!"

"Kill! Kill me all!"

"Asshole! Extremely asshole!"

"I am the **** son of Katie Sanctuary Light Alliance Temple! You dare to block my way!"

"Kill without mercy!"

Chao Ge took a deep breath, while speaking, his state at the moment was like a madman. ,

While talking, immediately launched a desperate charge!

As for Fang Fan, standing far away, with Fairy Liuli snuggled in his arms, he also seemed quite comfortable...

In fact, sometimes I change my mood and look at other people's infighting, which feels good.

Fang Fan smiled, his eyes twinkled with strange light.

Fighting, still in progress...

This Katie Sanctuary God Child Chaoge is fortunately a two-star sanctuary existence, and its vitality is quite tenacious.

Abruptly killed out of the surrounding circle.

Of course, the confidant guards who originally surrounded him are already dead.

"I... I rushed out!"


"Who... who can fight me!"

"Asshole! Extremely asshole!"

"Fang Fan! Fang Fan!"

"All of this is caused by you!"

"It's you! You caused all this!"

"This son of God will definitely kill you today!"

"Fang Fan go to die!"

"You are vulnerable in front of me..."

"Blood Sword of Destiny!"


Whoosh whoosh...

Boundless blood gathered, this Katie Sanctuary God Child Chao Ge Zhou's body was completely saturated with blood.

At this moment, with his roar, his whole body trembled...

Above his head, a blood-colored long sword about ten feet long faintly appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, the blood sword is becoming more and more solid, as if it will launch a counterattack at any time!

"What a mighty power of blood..."

"This...this is the technique of feeding the sword!"

"At the critical moment, squeeze your blood and send a fatal blow!"

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