Fairy Liuli is obviously quite knowledgeable, and while talking at this moment, there is an inexplicable look of horror in his eyes.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse, so naturally you should not slack off easily!

A little carelessness, the whole collapse!

"Fang... Fang Fan, run... run!"

"This Chaoge is desperate to sacrifice the bleeding sword, and will definitely choose to die and break the net..."

"He himself is a two-star sanctuary cultivator, and now he goes all out to sacrifice the bleeding sword, and his combat power can even reach the three-star sanctuary..."

"He's here for you, go!"

Fairy Liuli's face was full of blood, and while talking, the look of horror in his eyes showed vividly!

While talking, he quickly let out a roar...

The situation is beyond their control...

At this moment, only staying alive can counterattack and take off!

"No need to……"

"Don't be so nervous."

"Caitlin, it's your turn."

Fang Fan grabbed Fairy Liuli so that she wouldn't get too excited, and then looked at Caitlin, who was holding a sniper rifle, and said.

"Know the master!"

Caitlin showed a heroic look, then raised the sniper rifle with only one hand, and then pulled the trigger naturally...


The bullets passed through the barrel and gathered into a ball of flames and rushed out directly, immediately obliterating the enemy in front of you!

Everything settled with the dust! Give people a sense of tremor in consciousness!

At this moment, Chaoge, the **** son of Katie Sanctuary, is still maintaining an offensive posture. The **** giant sword hanging above his head seems to be frozen at this moment, staying in the air, without any movement...

In the head of Chaoge, the **** child of Katie Sanctuary, a bullet hole gradually began to seep blood...

A few seconds later, his heavy body collapsed to the ground!

One shot, deadly!


"This... how is this possible!"

Fairy Liuli covered Cherry's mouth with an unbelievable look on her face. While talking, she subconsciously took a breath, her face changed rapidly.

"You...you are already prepared!"

"Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"I made people so worried just now!"

"I blame you!"

"You have already secured a chance to win!"

Fairy Liuli was talking, then subconsciously stretched out her pink fist, and then beat Fang Fan's chest.

This coquettish appearance is very real.

Fang Fan breathed out a sigh of air in silence, his eyes flickered, and thoughts gathered, his face showing more or less sighs.

Fairy Liuli now looks completely different from before.

In addition to the psychological cues and related changes made by the female slave system to her, what is more important is that her partner Fan has devoted her true feelings...

Fang Fan could feel it deeply between the frown and smile.

Without knowing why at this moment, Fang Fan suddenly felt a sense of guilt.

This time it seems to have really harmed a young cabbage...

I can only say that Fairy Liuli is really too simple...

In her mind, it seems that the whole world has never been dirty.

"This is the end of the matter, I can only accept it..."

"The third female slave position has been opened..."

"These Katie Sanctuary cultivators are fleeing from death to death, it is not a climate..."

Fang Fan glanced around, then silently nodded and said, "Build a battlefield and collect academic tokens!"

"Look for opportunities and leave quickly!"

"Go to new areas and attract more monsters!"

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