Fang Fan gave an order, and the hundreds of practitioners of Zhengyi Shenzong who had been waiting for a long time immediately rushed over. At this moment, they were able to clean the battlefield proficiently. They had cleaned the battlefield more times, and they had all practiced.

They can't get involved in the battle, but cleaning the battlefield is still a problem.

"With these college tokens, the college tokens I have should exceed one hundred thousand..."

Fang Fan exhaled, then thought to himself.

"Guangming Mountain Appraisal Notice: Since there have been appraisers holding more than 100,000 academic tokens, in order to make the assessment more difficult and interesting, we hereby increase the real-time ranking of the assessment!"

"The ranking will appear at the top of the formation, and all examiners can see it at will!"

"The assessment continues below!"

"You still have five days! Please continue to capture college tokens! Also know your ranking and status! Keep up the good work!"

Familiar sounds came from ears.

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes silently, this voice was a bit like that of Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy!

This also came up with a ranking list.

Fang Fan frowned, isn't this just letting everyone own the academic tokens to the public?

Those examiners who have a lot of academic tokens will become the target of everyone's siege and will become the target of everyone!

Fang Fan exhaled, this wave is indeed quite gratifying...

Fang Fan raised his head, and in the sky, a piece of golden paper suddenly appeared, and on that piece of golden paper appeared a shining white font...

"Academic Token Ranking!"

"First place: One hundred and one thousand three hundred and forty-two! Owner: Fang Fan! From the third-class Qingtian Sanctuary!"

"Second place: Fifteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight! Owner: Ghost Sha! From the second-class fallen sanctuary!"

"Third place: Thirteen thousand, four hundred and thirty-nine! Owner: Brahma! From the first-class sky sanctuary Vatican Sea Palace!"

"Fourth place: 11,512! Owner: Duguao sword! From the first-class sky sanctuary Sky Wave Sword Sect!"

"Fifth place: Ten thousand three hundred and twenty-one! Owner: Zuoqiu Taxue! From the first-class Light Alliance Temple in the Sky Sanctuary!"

"Sixth place: Nine thousand five hundred and eighty-nine! Owner: Xiahou Yunlong! From the first-class sky sanctuary heaven and earth hall!"

"Seventh place: Three thousand five hundred and eighty-nine! Owner: Zhao Xie! From the first-class sacred realm soul race!"



"One hundred: five hundred and thirty-two! Owner: Sima Chen! From the second-class sanctuary Tianhong Sanctuary!"


"The thousandth place: Seventy-eight! Owner: Tianluo! From the second-class fallen sanctuary!"



"The 16,000th: Ten! Owner Sun Xi! From the second-class Bosch Sanctuary!"


The ranking jumps above the golden paper, everything unfolds clearly!

The rest are still in the normal category, but one thing is really shocking!

The first place, the specially enlarged font, is inexplicably confusing!

This name... is too strange!

"First place: One hundred and one thousand three hundred and forty-two! Owner: Fang Fan! From the third-class Qingtian Sanctuary!"

Third-class sanctuary! Actually, a third-class sanctuary cultivator has crossed to the top of the academic token ranking!

In the top 100 on the ranking list, there is no such thing as a third-class sanctuary...

Even if it is the top 1,000, they can barely see the existence of a few third-class sanctuary.

But the first place... that has always been unique to the first-class heavenly sanctuary!

Now the appraisers of the Fallen Sanctuary from the dark camp are temporarily added. They are brave and good at fighting, and they may rank high. These are indeed possible, but the third-class Qingtian Sanctuary is indeed a bit puzzled.

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