At this moment, the entire periphery of the Guangming Mountain Range is shocked by millions of examiners!

Assessor of Fallen Sanctuary...

"Interesting...really interesting..."

"Who is this Fang Fan Yingjie... unexpectedly... he can actually look so strong! I asked myself that I have worked hard enough, and I have also confiscated all the academic tokens in the hands of the examiners of the Fallen Sanctuary. To this extent..."

The Lord of the Fallen Sanctuary Fallen Palace Young Palace Master Gui Sha narrowed his eyes, and fell into infinite contemplation in his heart...

At this moment, he suddenly became very interested in Fang Fan!

This time to participate in the examination of Guangming Academy, he must get the first place! Only in this way can he demonstrate the power of his fallen sanctuary and even the fallen palace!

In this way, when discussing mergers in the future, the price of their fallen sanctuary can be raised to a certain extent. This is the major premise!

The Lord of the Fallen Sanctuary Fallen Palace Young Palace Master Gui Sha thought to himself, a **** color suddenly appeared in his eyes.


Vatican Palace Examiner...


"My Fanhai Palace is only ranked third!"

"The first ones are all things!"

"My Brahma Sea Palace is the top first-class power of the first-class heavenly sanctuary!"

"Third-class Qingtian Sanctuary? Fang Fan? How did this guy seize so many college tokens, there must be something tricky in it!"

"But... But this is also a great opportunity for me... If I can seize this opportunity, I may not be able to turn over..."

"Huh... a great opportunity lies in front of you, but you must not just give up like this..."

"At this moment, it seems more critical..."

"Find this Fang Fan and seize the 100,000 academic tokens in his hand. As long as these academic tokens are in my hands, then I must be the strongest!"

"Yes... such a good opportunity, I must seize it!"

"All the cultivators in the Fanhai Palace will give me orders! Search for the traces of this Fang Fan! Find his traces, many rewards!"

Brahma's gaze flickered, and his thoughts boiled.

The so-called Gongzi is actually an abbreviation for the high-level and promising disciples in the Fanhai Palace, similar to the existence of the temple gods.


Sky Wave Sword Sect!

"This is an excellent opportunity for my Sky Wave Sword Sect to rise up... I can find Fang Fan, no matter what the price!"


Temple of Heaven and Earth!

"Find Fang Fan! Appreciate one billion star cores!"


The forces, large and small, are all boiling!

Their goal at the moment is only one, and that is to find Fang Fan!

The 100,000 academic tokens in Fang Fan's hand are really too greedy!

According to the current ranking, the academic tokens of all the examiners from the second to the tenth place are not as much as Fang Fan!


These academic tokens can really help you become an academy of Guangming Academy!

One hundred thousand...If it can be kept, it can even be the first place in the assessment of Guangming Academy!

As soon as I thought of this, the greedy meaning gradually appeared.

In order to seize the token of the university, they will naturally regard Fang Fan as a thorn in the flesh!

The most important thing is that Fang Fan not only has enough academic tokens in his hand, but also only comes from a third-class Qingtian sanctuary!

This is even more interesting!

Third-class sanctuary... From these people, the first impression is that they are poor and weak.

So they felt that as long as they found Fang Fan, they would be successful!

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