Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2274: Murong Yu's careful thinking

Outside the Bright Mountains, on the viewing platform...

Murongyu, the first-class red-clothed archbishop of the first-class Guangming Alliance Temple and the first-level tutor of Guangming Academy, seems quite nervous at this moment...

At this moment, he took a breath of silence, his eyes flickered and he didn't understand, various thoughts gathered in his mind, and his arm trembled unnaturally.

"One hundred thousand... one hundred thousand academic tokens!"

"This guy... still likes surprises so much!"

"No wonder... No wonder he was unwilling when I persuaded him to give up the assessment... So he was prepared! But I have been thinking too much!"

"This mysterious guy, how many secrets I don't know about him..."

"These secrets one after another...one after another..."

Murong Yu muttered to herself, she found that she wanted to pay more and more attention to Fang Fan's dynamics now...

I don’t know when I started to worry about his existence...

For fear of accidents, and for fear of various changes...

All in all, those detailed thinking patterns gathered in her mind and suddenly filled her whole mind.

"It is indeed a good thing to seize so many academic tokens..."

"It's just that now the rankings of academic tokens have come out..."

"Ranked first, but it has become a target of public criticism!"

"In the assessment field, all major power practitioners will definitely gather and then besiege him..."

"He will be in danger then!"

"If... If the distress order is crushed in time, it will at least save one life..."

"But... but if... but if he is too stubborn, then it must be a **** storm..."

Murong Yu couldn't help showing tension in his eyes.

Thinking of this in my heart this time, all kinds of ideas suddenly gathered in my mind.

Even though there are thousands of worries, I can only stay silent here...

She was not strong enough to influence the upper-level regulations of Guangming Academy.

"If you die, I will avenge you!"

Murong Yu gritted his teeth, meditating in his heart...

At this moment, on the viewing platform, some of the wonderful images of the assessment field can be clearly displayed.

As Fang Fan ranked first in the ranking of academic tokens, he naturally bears the brunt!

Looking through the wheel mirror of the law formation, Fang Fan was holding a young woman in a plain white robe at this moment, and seemed so happy...

"This guy! At this time, don't forget to pick up girls!"

"Little bastard!"

Murong Yu screamed inwardly, and couldn't help but feel a little bit savory in his heart.


Examination field outside the Guangming Mountains.


"It seems that there will be a large number of small coffers flying over!"

The corner of Fang Fan's mouth raised silently, and the examiners on the entire evaluation field of this academic token ranking could see it.

It can almost be scheduled, Fang Fan from the third-class Qingtian Sanctuary will definitely be regarded as a thorn in the flesh...

The 100,000 academic tokens in his hand became the driving force for everyone to chase him!

"Fang Fan, let's hide quickly!"

"If the cultivators from all major forces gather here, what shall we do?"

"Those big power cultivators are not something we can fight against..."

"Especially the local forces in the sky sanctuary..."

"Fang Fan, I don't want you to have something..."

"It's all on me... all on me!"

"If it weren't for me here, you would definitely not come to destroy the cultivators of Katie Sanctuary, so that you would not have 100,000 academic tokens so quickly, then you would not have so many dangers!"

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