Outside the assessment field, there are actually few cultivators who are optimistic about Fang Fan, and even feel that Fang Fan is extremely high-profile, this is a way to death!

If you follow this path, you will only put yourself in boundless danger!

At this moment, this situation is particularly sincere!

After all, there are only less than a thousand people beside Fang Fan in the eyes of everyone...

There are more than one hundred direct descendants, and there are five hundred members of a Shenzong. As for the Baihua Sanctuary where Fairy Liuli is located, all the practitioners have already chosen to evacuate.

Except for Fairy Chu Liuli, everyone in the Baihua Sanctuary and even the Baihua Palace didn't trust Fang Fan that much.

I even felt doubt from the bottom of my heart.

Even if Fang Fan led his army to destroy the tens of thousands of cultivators in the second-class Katie Sanctuary with a domineering attitude, for them, they were still panicked. There is no doubt about this!

After all, what Fang Fan is about to face is the millions of examiners in the entire examination hall!


"Why don't you follow your teachers and sisters?"

"Don't you know that there will be a lot of major forces cultivators attacking you later?"

"You are here now, it may be very dangerous!"

Fang Fan smiled indifferently, and while speaking, he nodded silently, his eyes flickered with sharp rays of light, all kinds of thoughts gathered in his heart, showing vividly!


"I want to be with you!"

"I'll go wherever you go!"

"Don't want to leave me alone!"

"Who let you provoke me before?"

Fairy Liuli's face was slightly flushed as she spoke, and she glanced frantically toward the surroundings while she was speaking, with a sense of urgency in her heart.

In fact, she was also the first time to speak so boldly.

Although pretending to be nonchalant on the surface, my heart is already extremely excited!

This feeling is actually understandable to a certain extent.

Fang Fan gave a bitter smile...

How dare he provoke this little slave girl...

Aren’t you trying to find fault with yourself every minute? Why is it so?

Once a woman is emotional, in fact all kinds of ideas will seem quite crazy!

"Ding! The card has arrived today!"

"Ding! The card has arrived this month!"

Two system sounds came from his ears in succession, and Fang Fan was secretly happy.

The specific effect of the No. 3 female slave position is to get a card that is comparable to Fang Fanxiu's base every day, and a card with a higher level than Fang Fanxiu's base every month...

Now this joke and plan have been completely implemented!

Fang Fan's eyes flickered. This is the first time that the slave slave No. 3 has displayed special effects...

"Holy Grade Transgender Card: Use this card to force a cultivator to change sex..." (Daily draw card!)

"Holy demon Summoning Card: Use this card to directly summon a supreme holy demon for three minutes!" (Note: The summoned demon is very likely to get out of control, not those with high spiritual power. Control!) (Monthly draw card income!)

A holy card, a holy card...

This is the same as Fang Fan had previously expected, except that the type of this card is somewhat strange...

Fang Fan took a deep breath, his eyes sometimes flickered, and sometimes a daze flashed gradually...

"Holy...Transgender card?"

"What use do I want this card for?"

"Why don't you come with a holy aphrodisiac card that is practical!"

Fang Fan curled his lips and sighed in his heart, he wouldn't be so cruel to himself!

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