"On the contrary, this Sovereign-level Heaven Demon Summoning Card can be used as a hole card...

"After all, I am deeply in the Guangming Academy, and there are countless strong people! A little carelessness may encounter some strong enemies..."

"It's okay to prepare more now!"

Fang Fan nodded secretly, the smile on his face was particularly true.

"Lord, here comes someone..."

"There are almost 30,000 people..."

Galen rushed forward, talking with excitement on his face.

At this moment, it is the time for a decisive battle!

The smiles on their faces are particularly true!

Fight endlessly, never stop fighting!

"Thirty thousand cultivators..."

"Just in time for a wave of appetizers!"

"Then let us treat it well!"

Fang Fan smiled slightly, strode out, and the army under his command became uniform in an instant!

"Zhengyi Shenzong cultivator! Step back three miles! Ready to clean the battlefield at any time!"

Zhengyi Shenzong's third peak goddess Fu Xuewei nodded silently while speaking.

As long as the battle is about to start, this is her most real action...

This action is so skilled that it hurts!

Outside the examination field, seeing Fang Fanzheng leading the conquest through the wheel mirror of the law formation, Murong Yu couldn't help but feel a little more panic on his face...

"This is a first-class member of the first-class force soul race in the heavenly sanctuary..."

"Although the soul race is not a top-level positive first-grade power, but...but the power is second only to the three top-level first-grade power..."

"And tens of thousands of people have gathered..."

"I don't know if that guy can enter and resist..."

Murong Yu took a deep breath, in fact, from her perspective, she hoped that Fang Fan at this moment could directly lead the army to leave. As long as there is no collision, there will be no accidents...

But obviously, Fang Fan wouldn't do that at all!

This is a very proud person in his bones!

Murong Yu clenched his fists, and at the moment his body was bent forward, as if he wanted to be able to look more closely...

Various thoughts are silting up in my mind, and my feelings become extremely deep.


"Hahaha! Sorry everyone! This piece of meat has been eaten by my soul race! You guys, it's too late!"

"If my soul race can win these 100,000 academic tokens, it can completely take the top ten in the assessment!"

On the spectator stand, a short and sharp old man was talking excitedly, and while speaking, he raised his head silently, his posture was vivid and vivid!

This is the elder of the soul race, Soul Dan, at this moment, seeing their soul race people about to be able to swallow the fattest piece of meat, naturally feel ecstatic.

The faces of the cultivators of other major forces in the surrounding area showed some sighs and even envy and envy on their faces.

This is an excellent opportunity. If you can grasp this excellent opportunity, the benefits you can get are self-evident!

Murong Yu took a deep breath, his face gradually showing disdain.

"It's still unknown who will kill you!"

"Elder Soul Dan is too confident!"

"It's not good if the extreme happiness is miserable!"

Murong Yu subconsciously retorted.

I don't know why, as long as it involves Fang Fan, she seems to be a bit too excited!


"It turned out to be Murong Mentor!"

"My soul clan is also an upright First-Rank force anyway, so it's not that even a third-class sanctuary cultivator can't handle it!"

The elder of the soul clan screamed coldly, now he looked quite arrogant!

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