In the assessment field, the fighting continued.

Fang Fan stretched his waist, his face could not help showing a hint of sarcasm.

The so-called first-class heavenly sanctuary is the first-rank force soul race and the heavenly temple, in fact, the essence is the same.

Greed, selfishness, ignorance...

At this moment, their battle scene can show all this vividly!

Now only need to wait for an opportunity, and then...all in one go!

"The battle between the Soul Race and the Heavenly God Temple is really fighting each other..."

"From their gestures and expressions, there is no sign of wanting to keep their hands..."

"It's getting more and more interesting if you progress along this trend."

Fang Fan nodded secretly, his eyes flickered sharply!

"There are 30,000 soul race cultivators and 20,000 cultivators in the Celestial Temple. Now both parties have lost half of their losses. If this trend progresses, they should be damaged in a short time..."

"Fang Fan, otherwise we take advantage of their fight and entanglement, let's... flee first..."

"It's too dangerous to stay here now!"

"When they react, people like us can't hold it..."

Fairy Liuli couldn't help showing a worried look on her face, still wanting to squeeze Fang Fan into choosing some safer methods.

"Now as soon as we move, they will instantly stop fighting, and then leap directly at us."

"In addition to fighting impulsively, they actually have another very important reason. They treat us as a piece of fat..."

"Whether it is the Celestial Temple or the Soul Race, they all want to swallow this piece of my fat!"

"The 100,000 academic tokens in my hand are the goal they are striving for!"

"They all want to repel each other, and then swallow us all... so they can swallow this piece of fat..."

"We stay here, they will feel safe, and they won't change..."

"But if we evacuated, the situation would be very different."

Fang Fan put his hands around his chest, while talking, then followed the explanation.

"Then... Then we can't wait here! This is too dangerous!"

"I don't want something to do with you!"

"You are in danger because of me!"

Xiao Liuli raised her head to look at Fang Fan, while speaking, the expression on her face became more and more determined.

Fang Fan subconsciously reached out and stroked Xiao Liuli's hair, he didn't know how to explain...

Is it possible to say that he is strong and able to suppress all dissatisfaction? Does this seem too arrogant...

In essence, this does not fit Fang Fan's character.

Just wait silently.


"In the distance, tens of thousands of people have touched it..."

"They haven't found here yet, but according to their search speed, I am afraid they should arrive here in less than half an hour."

Satan flapped his black wings, and while talking, the expression on his face suddenly became solemn.

At this moment, I am somewhat worried...

The situation is just such a situation, how bad the situation is at this moment, you can understand it all with a little feel.

"half an hour?"

" looks like we are about to start moving..."

"First destroy the cultivators of this soul race and the heavenly temple..."

"There are too many people coming when it is saved, and it is more troublesome to solve."

Fang Fan smiled indifferently, then ordered directly.

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