The situation nowadays has become solemn to a certain extent...

It is obviously impossible to continue to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Only after solving a wave can we continue to fight for aid!

Otherwise, if there are too many reinforcements, it may become a deadlock interlocking!

Fang Fan's nine legions suddenly followed suit.

Fang Fan glanced at the direction of the soul race and the cultivator of the Heavenly God Temple.

At this moment, the two sides are basically evenly matched.

The 30,000 people of the Soul Race against the 20,000 people of the Heavens Temple did not have any advantage. Either these Soul Race cultivators had too much combat power, or the cultivators of these Heaven Temples had really good fighting power.

"Listen to my orders later and attack the soul race cultivator first!"

Fang Fan smiled silently, then took out the Heaven Slashing Sword.

"The less the Lord of the Tianshen Temple wins, the young hero really!"

"I've long seen these soul race Xiaos feel upset! They actually used despicable means to assassinate the elites of the Celestial Temple!"

"This time, our Fang Fan decided to practice justice! Leading the righteous men of Qingtian Sanctuary to help Heaven Temple destroy the soul race!"

"Fu Wudao! Punish the mob!"


Fang Fan gave an order, and then he said hello.

Everything that should be done is done, and the fighting state at this moment has risen to its peak!

The young hall master Ying Yue of the Tianshen Temple and Zhao Xie, the soul clan leader, who are fighting each other...

They couldn't think of why Fang Fan would intervene at this time. This style of painting is wrong!

"This Fang Fan is a little self-aware! He even knows to come and help my Heavenly God Temple..."

"It's just a pity, it won't be long before this guy is dead..."

"When the Soul Race is destroyed, I will kill this guy, so that all the academic tokens on him will be mine!"

"Excellent! Excellent!"

Ying Yue, the young master of the Temple of Heaven, nodded silently in his eyes.

"Your Excellency Fang Fan! You have chosen the right path!"

"When the soul race is destroyed, you hold the heavenly sanctuary, and my heavenly temple is covered!"

"I, Yingyue, guarantee you a place for an inner government student!"

The Young Master of the Tianshen Temple, Yingyue, rolled his eyes, and immediately began to make a full promise.

Anyway, you have to hold Fang Fan first...

After the soul clan was wiped out, a mere Qingtian sanctuary, how to toss it, didn't he fulfill his wish?

This is not a big deal at all!

Take off in minutes!

Ying Yue, the young master of the Tianshen Temple, had his eyes flickering, and he thought to himself, the smile on his face showed vividly!

Of course, he didn't expect Fang Fan and the practitioners of Qingtian Sanctuary to play any role on the battlefield.

In the eyes of the young master of the Tianshen Temple, Ying Yue, how much combat power can a third-class sanctuary have?

Zhao Xie, the soul race leader standing on the opposite side, frowned suddenly...

It stands to reason that even if hundreds of cultivators in a third-class sanctuary join the attack camp of the Heavenly God Temple, it is actually not a big problem, and it can even be ignored.

But Zhao Xie, the soul race leader, suddenly felt a sense of anxiety...

This kind of anxiety gathered in his mind, making his complexion more and more stale...

Some inductions seem so real...

"Maybe I think too much..."

"Third-class Qingtian Sanctuary? Hundreds of people?"

"Haha... how strong can it be?"

Zhao Xie shook his head slightly, thinking in his heart, and then silently sighed.

But in an instant, his face suddenly changed...

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