There were more than tens of thousands of soldiers before, and they were defeated, but at this moment, there are only hundreds of cultivators with fighting spirits left. How to fight? What to fight?

This... isn't this a fantasy?

This is simply a killing! Total killing!

But now being lifted too high makes it even more embarrassing...

The big talk is out, can't you say that you are terrified now and dare not fight against it?

Doesn't this mean that people will be degraded?

It's all this **** face!

Seeing that the front army has completely retreated, and it will be completely cold if they continue to fight. At this time, the Young Hall Master Ying of the Tianshen Temple feels that it doesn't matter whether or not he wants to make a face...


"You are all the loyal and righteous people of my heavenly temple! All are the elite pillars of my heavenly temple!"

"It's not terrible for me to die! But...but I must not drag you down!"

"This... this is absolutely forbidden!"

"This time... this time I have to make a choice!"

"Even if it is for you to survive, I can only lower my head, lay down my dignity, and pick up this distress order..."

Yingyue spoke with a comprehensive expression and gesture.

It can only be said that this guy has indeed performed shamelessly to a realm...

The cultivators of the Hundreds of Heavens Temple who had been beaten up just now looked at everything in front of them eagerly, more or less stunned.

No matter how stupid they are, they can see that this is so vain!

Just as they were thinking about it, Ying Yue already crushed the distress order with trembling hands...

Then, crazy backward...

Thousands of academic tokens are placed on the ground, and they have been completely abandoned!

"Young Hallmaster..."

Hundreds of cultivators who were preparing to fight to the death in the Temple of Heaven subconsciously opened their mouths, and the magnificent morale that had just been raised was immediately annihilated!

Are you playing here?

We have finally aroused the heart of a war, are you here to retreat?

Is this trying to play a hammer?

But at this moment even the young palace master ran away, and they continued to fight, isn't that stupid? The key is, for whom?

Everything has settled with the dust!

At the moment, half of the 10,000+ cultivators in the Temple of Heaven were strangled, and the remaining half were crushed with a distress order and went straight away.

"Huangfu Goddess, build a battlefield, ready for the next battle!"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes secretly, and the execution of the strategy of spotting and hitting aid was pretty good.

In addition to the thousands of academic tokens provided by the Tianshen Temple, the number of academic tokens in Fang Fan's hand officially exceeded 110,000!

"Notice of the assessment venue!"

"The number of academic tokens from Fang Fan, the third-class Qingtian Sanctuary examiner, officially exceeded 110,000!"

"I hope you will continue to fight! Keep fighting! Fight to the end!"

Throughout the assessment field outside the Guangming Mountain Range, there were dull voices.

Everyone's eyes gathered here, and the expressions on their faces looked more or less surprised...

This one!

It's less than one hour after breaking through 100,000 academic tokens, another ten thousand?

Is this the rhythm of sweeping all the academic tokens in the entire assessment field?

At this moment, all the examiners in the examination hall were restless!

Now hunting monsters and grabbing college tokens are second, they are all looking for Fang Fan frantically!

Compared with hunting monsters, the cost of capturing Fang Fanshou's high school token is obviously higher!

One hundred thousand!

Any force can directly spawn a number of Inner Palace students!

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