The magic circle on the outer assessment field of the Guangming Mountain range flickered violently, and then you could clearly see the updated academic token ranking!

"Academic Token Ranking!"

"First place: 113,549 pieces! Owner: Fang Fan! From the third-class Qingtian Sanctuary!"

"Second place: Fifteen thousand nine hundred and thirty-two! Owner: Ghost Sha! From the second-class fallen sanctuary!"

"Third place: Thirteen thousand six hundred and eighty-eight! Owner: Brahma! From the first-class sky sanctuary Brahma Sea Palace!"

"Fourth place: Twelve thousand, three hundred and eighty-nine! Owner: Dugu proud sword! From the first-class sky sanctuary Sky Wave Sword Sect!"

"Fifth place: 10,327! Owner: Zuoqiu Taxue! From the first-class Light Alliance Temple in the Sky Sanctuary!"

"Sixth place: 983 billion pieces! Owner: Xiahou Yunlong! From the first-class sky sanctuary heaven and earth hall!"

"Seventh place: Three thousand three hundred and twenty-two! Owner: Chutianqi! From the first-class sky sanctuary Chutian clan!"



"One hundred: 612! Owner: Zhou Mo! From the second-class sanctuary Kunqian Sanctuary!"


"The thousandth place: Eighty-one! Owner: Tian Luo! From the second-class fallen sanctuary!"



"The 16,000th: Eleven! Owner Zhao Qian! From the second-class Quinn sanctuary!"

The first-class Celestial Sanctuary and the Soul Race, the first-class Celestial Sanctuary's positive force, and the Soul Race, which were originally ranked in the top ten, have disappeared!

Instead, naturally other forces.

The Zhengyi rank forces Tianshen Temple and Soul Race were removed, but Fang Fan's number of academic tokens soared by more than 10,000, which had to make people feel incredible!

The top first-rank force of the heavenly sanctuary, Fanhai Palace...

Fanhai Palace Palace Brahma is rushing at full force...

At this moment, besides the accident, there is a hint of surprise on his face...

"You said that you have detected the trace of the Ascension Sanctuary examiner?"

"Hi! Good! Excellent! Excellent!"

"This time our Fanhai Palace will become famous!"

"The assessment in this field will completely center on my Fanhai Palace!"

"Hahaha! What Heaven and Earth Hall! What Heaven Wave Sword Sect! And what Fallen Sacred Domain, nothing works! Nothing!"

"Go all out! Accelerate me! Hurry and run over to destroy Qingtian Sanctuary, and seize one hundred thousand in Fang Fan's's one hundred thousand college tokens!"

Vatican Sanctuary’s top positive force of the Van Sea Palace, Gongzi Brahma swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his eyes flickered sharply. He felt that this was his opportunity, a chance to prove himself!

In the Fanhai Palace, there are still many palaces like him. In the future, if he wants to inherit the orthodox of the Fanhai Palace, then he must show a certain amount of strength and courage.

He definitely didn't want to miss such an excellent opportunity!

The battle has just begun!

"His Royal Highness, haven't you found something wrong?"

"The Soul Race and the Tianshen Temple were removed one after another, and then the number of academic tokens in Fang Fan's hand skyrocketed. Maybe...maybe there is something tricky..."

A young cultivator in the Vatican Sea Palace frowned subconsciously, and then silently walked over to analyze.

This is more or less different. If you don't care at all, it is naturally impossible.

"You mean that this Fang Fan led the third-class Qingtian Sanctuary cultivator who killed the Soul Race and the Heavens Temple? Then he took the academic token from them? That's why the academic token in his hand suddenly fell. What happened to the explosion?"

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