
"Are you talking about the deity?"

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound from the surrounding area, which immediately attracted everyone's eyes.

I saw a blood-red old man standing there, wearing a blood-colored robe, even his hair was blood-red...

"Blood Lord..."

After the deputy head of the Vatican Sea Palace, Vatican Huns, looked at the red-haired old man in front of him, his complexion suddenly changed.

Although this one is not a strong demigod, his combat power is definitely second only to a demigod...

He is a cultivator in the Fallen Sanctuary, and his status in the Fallen Sanctuary is not ordinary!

With the qualifications there, the others naturally didn't dare to say much. At this moment, they looked at each other, and some panic and uneasiness could be clearly seen in their eyes.


"Isn't my Fallen Sanctuary the demon in your mouth?"

"I'm afraid the Deputy Palace Master thinks so too, right?"

While the red-haired old man was talking, his gaze immediately looked at Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy.

At this moment, Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy, seemed quite embarrassed. Originally, this matter had nothing to do with him, but now he has brought the words to him.

Although Fallen Sanctuary is still under the name of the dark camp at this moment, it is clearly an existence that the light camp is trying to win over.

If sitting in the Bright Camp is discriminating against practitioners in the Fallen Sanctuary, it is absolutely impossible to conquer the Fallen Sanctuary and draw the Fallen Sanctuary into the Light Camp!

It's the big picture!

"Venerable Blood doesn't need to be too concerned, the cultivators of the Fallen Sanctuary seem to me to be very brave and righteous!"

"I am in the enemy camp, but my heart is always close to our bright camp!"

"As for the Vatican-Hungarian deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace, they are all nonsense!"

"Vice-Palace Master of Vatican-Hungary! I hope you can give an explanation! There are some things that you can't ignore with casual words!"

"In front of Venerable Blood, dare to speak nonsense?"

Xue Wanren, the deputy master of the Guangming Academy, gave a cold voice, and then glared fiercely at the deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace.

It is obvious that you have said something wrong. Is it possible to not admit it?

What's the situation this time, everyone naturally has points in their hearts!

If you don’t say a lot of things, if you really say it, it will look different!

"Vice Palace Master, I didn't intentionally target Venerable Blood. I mean that Fang Fan, a third-class Sky-High Sanctuary cultivator in the assessment field, is a demon! What is the difference between his behavior and the demon?"

"He seized my exclusive distress order from the Palace of the Brahma Sea Palace. This is to make him die on the spot!"

"Vice Palace Master, don't you hurry to stop this kind of existence, what are you waiting for?"

"When the situation is completely out of control, it will be too late! Too late!"

"I hope you will listen carefully to the proposal I just made, and quickly grab that Fang Fan, disqualify him for the assessment, and then count all his academic tokens on the assessors of the Fanhai Palace..."


The deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace, Vatican Huns, said a lot, but there were a lot of babbles.

At this moment, while talking, the expression of excitement on his face became more and more real.


"You can shut up!"

Venerable Blood of the Fallen Sanctuary suddenly let out a cold cry, folded his hands in front of him, and a sharp light flickered in his eyes!

At this moment, the blood sage's face was full of contempt.

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