"This is the posture of the upper ranks of the first-grade positive forces in the bright camp?"


"Extremely ugly!"

"As the Deputy Palace Master of the Fanhai Palace, I don't think deeply about why they are so weak after seeing their examiners being completely tortured. Instead, I want to take shortcuts everywhere!"

"Really became a joke!"

"Only you are worthy of becoming the Lord?"

The Fallen Sanctuary Blood Venerable was talking, his eyes flickered sharply.

"Venerable Blood! What do you mean by this?"

"I respectfully call you Venerable Blood, don't be shameless!"

"Don't say you haven't joined my light camp before in the Fallen Sanctuary, so what if you do? The overall combat power of your Fallen Sanctuary is just as good as my Vanhai Palace!

"You are the Blood Venerable of the Fallen Sanctuary, and I am also the Deputy Palace Master of Fanhai Palace!"

"Everyone, don't look down on anyone!"

"Furthermore, if your Fallen Sanctuary is really strong, you won't be rushing to come to my bright camp..."

The deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace, Vatican-Hungary became more excited as he spoke, and became more distracted as he spoke...


"You can roll!"


"Otherwise, Fanhai Palace will always be the blacklist of my Guangming Academy!"

"I will also report this matter to the first-class Bright Alliance Temple!"


"Who allows you to be so rude to Venerable Blood?"

Xue Wanren, the deputy master of the Guangming Academy, instantly released the aura of the semi-god state, and then a powerful domain was formed around it. In the domain, even the existence of the holy state can be culled at will!



Vatican Hun, deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace, suddenly showed cold sweat on his forehead, and his body trembled unnaturally. In his pupils, the frightened flicker, and while speaking, the gesture of gritted teeth showed vividly!

This posture at this moment is particularly true!

Fear, panic...

At this moment, the deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace, Vatican Hun, really felt Xue Wanren's killing intent.

Although his combat power is not weak, if he really annoys a demi-god cultivator like Xue Wanren, the deputy head of the Guangming Academy, he is ruining himself!

The deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace, Vatican Hun, squinted his eyes, and his body and mind trembled continuously, and the fear in his heart was gathering crazily!

"Vice Palace Master, you... you have received magical powers..."

"I...whoo...I know I was wrong..."

"I... I apologize!"

People have to bow their heads under the eaves...

Sometimes, just follow me.


"Not an example!"

"If there is another time, I will not be merciless!"

"Remember! Even if Venerable Blood does not join my bright camp, he is still a respectable powerhouse, not something you can slander!"

"How can Fanhai Palace have such a deputy palace master as you!"

"Really shame your ancestors' faces!"

As Xue Wanren, deputy chief of Guangming Academy, spoke, the cold color on his face grew more and more.

Fan Huong, the deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace, turned ugly and gloomy for a while, but he did not dare to question or resist, and he was helpless at this moment...

The kind of murderous intent in his heart is gathering, and then it returns to silence.

"Venerable Blood, sorry, I..."

"The deity does not need your apology! If you really want to apologize, it's better to go to the stage of life and death!"

The deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace hadn’t finished speaking, he was sent back by Venerable Blood of the Fallen Sanctuary, and he was about to fight directly!

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