The deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace, Vatican-Hungary took a few deep breaths, and the back molars cracked in bursts, and the feeling of resentment in his heart rose to the extreme...

Although his heart was full of anger, but for the sake of his own life, he chose to endure it.

When it's time to go, still want to go.

Venerable Blood is notorious, and although both are in the Holy Venerable Realm, the deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace has no confidence in fighting.

Seeing that the situation of the Palace of the Fanhai Palace in the assessment field, Fanhai, is getting worse, but the deputy master of the Fanhai Palace, Fan Huong, can do nothing.

I can only watch him being madly attacked by his own people...

"Qingtian Sanctuary...Fang Fan! This enmity is written down by the Fanhai Palace!"

"And this **** Venerable Blood, a nosy man!"

Vatican-Hungary bit his teeth viciously, his lips trembled unnaturally, and the vicious color on his face became too much...


In the assessment field...

The smell of blood became stronger and stronger.

The corpses around the Brahma Palace in the Brahma Sea Palace are superimposed on top of each other...

At this moment, there is no complete skin on his body, and his whole body is painful like a knife...

He hates the sky!

He kills!

It was the **** who cheated him!

Fang Fan! Fang Fan!


Brahma roared like a beast.

He is not reconciled!

It just fell down, and he felt extremely painful! Also extremely anxious!

In my heart, that nausea is still gradually increasing!

His Brahma is also the blood of the Palace of the Brahma Sea, the blood of the demigod ancestor, so why is this!

He was actually going to die in his own hands!

These people are all damned!


"Kill without mercy!"

"Kill all who deserve to be killed!"

"Damn everything!"

"Let it die and live!"

"Endless killing!"

"I can not be reconciled!"

"I control my own life!"

"I am a demigod bloodline!"


Vatican Palace Palace’s Brahma’s eyes became blood red, and a little bit of blood and tears gradually flowed down. Then, under the gaze of everyone, he was surrounded by lavender blood...


"I am full of strength!"

"This is... the power of blood!"

"This is the blood of a demigod?"

"I activated the demigod bloodline?"

"My combat power...exploded!"

"My combat power at the moment has even broken through to the five-star sanctuary realm!"

"Heaven does not kill me!"


Whoosh whoosh...



The Brahma Mandate of the Palace of Fanhai Palace suddenly broke out, and purple light flickered all over her body!

He forcibly broke a **** path from the encirclement of thousands of examiners in the Fanhai Palace.

Then the sword pointed at Fang Fan!

The combat power burst out aimlessly!

The battle has turned around again!

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows and stood up on the recliner silently, with a touch of surprise in his pupils.

He hasn't seen this scene too much...

There is really no experience in this area.

"He inspired the blood of a demigod!"

"He should be a demigod blood!"

"Boy Fang Fan, something happened!"

"Otherwise, let's withdraw..."

"Once the blood of the demigod is stimulated, the combat power will skyrocket in a short time..."

"This guy was originally a four-star sanctuary, but now he is obviously stronger! He should already have a five-star sanctuary..."


"On the assessment field, the use of puppet assistance is not allowed...or else you can take out your silver armor puppet against a wave..."

"Thirty-six strategies are the best..."

Bai Piao took a deep breath and quickly suggested.

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