Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2321: Brother Bai Piao shelters me from wind and rain

While Bai Piao spoke, he was already ready to slip away.

From his perspective, it's not worth fighting against a madman with five-star sanctuary power!

The Brahma Manitoba of the Vatican Palace on the opposite side was obviously killed with the determination to kill!

"What are you afraid of?"

"If it's the last step, isn't there still Brother Bai Piao sheltering me from the wind and rain?"

Fang Fan patted Bai Piao's shoulder, while speaking, he nodded silently, and the smile on his face increased.

This wave is amazing!



"Boy Fang Fan, don't cheat me..."

"Looking at you, I am a little panicked..."

Bai Piao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then strode away, terrified!


Outside of the assessment field, at this moment, it was shocked again and again!

"I'm going to do it, I'm so awesome! Strong! Very strong! I'm completely convinced! This wave, completely tortured everyone!"

"This Vatican Palace Palace's Brahma can actually be put to death and resurrected! It actually inspired the blood of the demigod in his body, look at it, his blood is actually lavender..."

"Tsk...Tsk tusk, it's interesting, it's really interesting, this wave is extremely powerful!"

"Huh... I thought this wave was going to lose blood, but now... it's turned over again! I bet 300 million lower-grade star cores in the Van Sea Palace! This bet is right!"

"Not necessarily, this palace of Fanhai Palace just inspired the blood of demigods, is it so mysterious as you say?"

"Hehe brother, your knowledge is really bad!"

"What is the situation now, do you really fail to understand? This Brahma Palace Palace's Brahma is originally a four-star sanctuary realm. Now it has inspired the blood of the demigods, and the fighting power has exploded more than several times! Realm cultivators are comparable!"

"Although the combat power is not long lasting, but a few minutes is enough! Enough!"

"Hey...this Brahma's life is really good! I was almost about to be killed, but I didn't expect to take off at the last moment! Inspiring the blood of the demigod is equivalent to understanding the mystery of the demigod in advance! Not only will the cultivation speed skyrocket in the future, but the chance of being promoted to the semi-god realm will also greatly increase in the future! The Fanhai Palace may add another demigod after a few years!"

"A person has a life, nothing but nothing!"


On the high platform, the formerly withered and desperate face of the deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace was suddenly replaced by boundless joy and smile!

At the moment of their death, the palace of Brahma Palace awakened the blood of the demigod!



"The sky is endless!"

"I knew it, I knew that the palace of my Fanhai Palace would not fall so easily!"

"The blood of the demigod is awakened, who else! Who else can match it!"

"My Fanhai Palace is so powerful!"


At this moment, the deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace, Vatican Huns, did not care about his own image, and began to scream frantically.

While talking, the body twisted unnaturally, and the expression on his face became extremely excited!

The feeling suddenly became deeper!

This is the card face!

Murong Yu, the first-level tutor of Guangming Academy standing by, suddenly clenched his fists, and his eyes flickered.

Who would have thought it would overturn at the last moment...

Can Fang Fan resist the five-star sanctuary power of the Brahma?

"Hold on... Hold on..."

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