Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2325: Treat the human heart as a battlefield

This **** is actually... so despicable!

"Fang Fan! Fang Fan!"

"Don't think I don't know your sinister thoughts!"

"I advise you to dispel this unrealistic idea as soon as possible, don't you just want to deceive my academic token and storage ring, and then think about crushing my exclusive distress order?"

"In this way you can kick me out of the game and seize my storage ring!"

"Fang Fan! What a vicious mind!"

"Unless, unless you promise to return my distress order to me first, and then I will give you all the storage rings on my body, all the treasures, and the academic token, I don’t want anything, and We can also turn fighting into jade, and never fight again..."

"Since I have awakened the blood of the demigod, it is very easy to kill the monster to seize the academic token. Naturally, I won't covet the academic token in your hand. Don't worry!"

"How about this deal?"

"Fang Fan, you don't lose! You really don't lose!"

While talking, Gongzi Fanming of the Brahma Sea Palace subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and while speaking, her eyes trembled, various thoughts flickered in her mind, and the sound of inhalation became particularly strong. This sense of hope in my heart also became real.

This guy really treats everyone as a fool...

All this nonsense is embarrassing to say, it can only be said that it has completely revealed the shameless nature.

Fang Fan initially estimated that the intention in the heart of the Palace of the Fanhai Palace should be to deceive his distress order first, and then conduct a wave of shameless counterattack and counter-kill!

As for promises or something, naturally I don't care.

There is no need to pay too much attention to such things.

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and sighed in his heart, but his face was still indifferent.

"It seems that Brahma Palace really has no sincerity..."

"If that's the case, then I'll crush this distress order, it's over a hundred..."

Fang Fan shrugged, and then he held the distress order slightly hard...

"Don't... don't..."

"Don't crush it!"

Vatican Palace Palace's eyes widened, Fanming quickly roared, and while talking, his eyes suddenly widened, and the sense of panic on his face couldn't help but increase.

"We...we can also discuss..."

"Why so, there is no need to make trouble to this point..."

Fanhai Palace Gongzi Fanming said as he spoke, and immediately showed a flattering look.

"So, bring the academic token and storage ring."

"Why are you still hesitating?"

"I may be interested in your storage ring right now, but it may be different next time."

Fang Fan stretched out, then subconsciously yawned, with a calm expression on his face, as if he didn't take this matter to heart.

In other words, it is simply an indifferent way of expression.

Fang Fan can naturally grasp the middle scale.

Fang Fan's eyes flickered, his mind gradually vacated.

In order to enhance a little bit of the picture effect, Fang Fan casually threw Brahma's distress order into the air, and once it landed, the distress order would break directly.

Just when everyone was panicked, they stretched out their hands and grabbed...

A set of operations are as fierce as a tiger...

Regarding the human heart as a battlefield is actually the most interesting.

These words and deeds have different ideas.

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