"Boy Fang Fan, so you still have these ideas!"

"It seems that the original envoy was careless!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, why didn't this divine envoy expect this before?"

"Just crush the distress order, this guy won't just slip away, and the star-core treasures on his body will be gone."

"It's all right now. Use this exclusive distress order to hold him, and after he handed over the storage ring, kill him in another wave! Directly crush the distress order and send him back!"


"It's so cool!"

"Boy Fang Fan, on Gou, this god's envoy is really inferior to you!"

Bai Piao said while speaking, and then said with deep conviction, as if he had some feelings about this matter.

Fang Fan frowned and glanced at Bai Piao. Does this guy think too much...

What are the things in this head?

The key is to think so much, does it make sense?

"as long as you are happy."

Fang Fan nodded while talking.

Immediately, Fang Fan glanced into the distance, and now he saw the attitude of this Brahma.

In order to get more star cores, Fang Fan also took great pains!


Outside the assessment hall, the deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace, Vatican Huns, was jumping again...



"How despicable it is to change the rules like this!"

"This nature is too bad!"

"If everyone is vying to learn, what's the deal?"

"Deputy Palace Master, I don't think we can let such a despicable and shameless person take the lead!"

"If he really allowed him to enter the Guangming Academy, wouldn't it be a mouse that broke a pot of porridge?"

"Deputy Palace Master, this Guangming Academy is a place to cultivate the proud of heaven. I always felt that the academy here should uphold the heart of justice!"

"After all, we are the existence of the bright camp!"

"What's the difference between this third-class Fang Fan's approach to the despicable and shameless people of the dark camp?"

"Vice Palace Master...you...you speak!"

"Why don't you speak?"

"Don't say anything because you think I'm right?"

"Deputy Palace Master..."


The deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace, Vatican Hungarian, instantly became a babble, and talked a lot of nonsense, anyway, there was indeed a lot of nonsense.

Xue Wanren, deputy chief of Guangming Academy, sat aside, Quandang didn’t hear...

I have said all the good things, but the Vatican-Hungarian Vice-Palace Master of the Vatican Sea Palace does not understand it at all.

If it hadn't been for the face of Fanhai Palace, Xue Wanren would want to slap this guy with a big ear scraper.

Just say something once or twice. Everyone understands it clearly, isn't everyone happy? As for saying so many times?

The point is, nothing is on the point, it's all nonsense!

Murongyu, the first-level tutor of Guangming Academy, who was sitting not far away, simply blocked his ears, so as not to hear these noisy sounds.

At the moment, the crowd in Xuefu Square seemed a little nervous.

For those viewers who have bet, they see this matchup naturally and extremely exciting! This means whether to eat meat or bamboo shoots tonight...

Now that I chose to bet, I naturally rushed to make money.

The battle between Qingtian Sanctuary and Fanhai Palace has been repeated several times.

Every time one of them felt that they wanted to win, some accidents happened again...

To go back and forth is too test of psychological endurance!

But correspondingly, it does stimulate...

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