Fang Fan thought in his heart, his eyes couldn't help but glanced around, all kinds of thoughts gathered in his mind...

Killed another wave of forces that wanted to come and fight the autumn wind...

This strategy of attacking aid is in place!

Fang Fan stretched, thinking silently in his heart, his eyes became sharper and sharper!

This time, he received more than 10,000 academic tokens from the Fanhai Palace, making Fang Fan's possession of academic tokens once exceeded 130,000!

Fang Fan didn't count before, but now after the count, the numbers on the academic token rankings have changed drastically!

Everything will change completely!

"Academic Token Ranking!"

"First place: 131,241! Owner: Fang Fan! From the third-class Qingtian Sanctuary!"

"Second place: Sixteen thousand one hundred and twenty-two! Owner: Ghost Sha! From the second-class fallen sanctuary!"

"Third place: Twelve thousand, four hundred and thirty-three! Owner: Dugu proud sword! From the first-class sky sanctuary Sky Wave Sword Sect!"

"Fourth place: 10,516 pieces! Owner: Zuoqiu Taxue! From the first-class Light Alliance Temple in the Sky Sanctuary!"

"Fifth place: nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-one! Owner: Xiahou Yunlong! From the first-class sky sanctuary heaven and earth hall!"

"Sixth place: Three thousand five hundred and thirty-nine! Owner: Chutianqi! From the first-class sky sanctuary Chutian clan!"



"The hundredth place: 627! Owner: Sun Gan! From the second-class sanctuary slaughter land sanctuary!"


"The thousandth place: Eighty-eight! Owner: Nov! From the second-class fallen sanctuary!"



"The 16,000th: Eleven! The owner is desperate! From the third-class Tianhu Sanctuary!"


On the ranking of academic tokens, in fact, relatively speaking, the number of academic tokens owned by other major practitioners has not changed too much, but the academic tokens owned by Fang Fan are sprinting to new highs time and again. !

After this new high sprint, it inexplicably gave people a sense of mental tremor!

Sometimes dissatisfaction is really bad!

I want to express a kind of admiration from the bottom of my heart, too strong!

As powerful as this!

At this time, the magic circle of the examination field that was torn by the gods’ fingers was gradually repaired, and the wheel mirrors of the magic circle began to be rearranged. Everyone’s eyes quickly focused on Fang Fan, especially on the ground. After the lying Vatican Palace Gongzi Fanming with round eyes, each looked dumbfounded...

This is... dead?

They haven't seen anything yet...

The magic circle in the previous examination room was torn apart, so this picture now appeared, this time it still seems a bit weird...

Everyone took a breath, and the speed of the situation made them feel incredible...

For those who made bets, whether they won or lost, most of them are relieved at the moment.

This tangled situation is finally over! They no longer have to endure that crazy suffering!

At this moment, the feeling of powerlessness in my heart is too real!

"In the end, the big man Fang Fan took off..."

"Counting out, this big Fang Fan has already killed the three positive first-rank forces one after another, two of them are the ordinary first-grade positive forces Soul Race and the Heavenly God Temple, and now even the top positive first-rank forces like Fanhai Palace are no exception..."

"This is the real dark horse!"

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