With constant comments, Fang Fan became the core of everyone's attention!

A few happy and sad...

On the Xuefu Square, the cultivators who bet on the victory of the Fanhai Palace were originally guaranteed, and they only lost one by one. They didn't think there was any possibility of overturning, but now everything has changed. People are inexplicably emotional!

And the cultivators who chose to bet on the victory of Skyscraper Sanctuary were actually gamblers, mostly for the odds of ten.

Some are really impatient and can only rely on this method to fight hard.

Although it has gone through several twists and turns, it was finally a victory anyway!

The victory declaration is here, giving people a sense of conscious excitement.

"He actually killed me the Palace of Fanhai Palace!"

"My Fanhai Palace has even awakened the blood of a demigod! This is the future demigod powerhouse of my Fanhai Palace!"

"How dare he!"

The deputy head of the Vatican Sea Palace, Vatican Huns, suddenly stood up, his complexion turned red, and his teeth trembled crazily as he spoke. He knew exactly what the current situation had evolved into!

If a palace dies, it’s okay. The palace of the Brahma Sea Palace is not only Brahma, it’s really not very valuable...

But the palace where the blood of the demigod is awakened is different. This is the future and hope of their Brahma Sea Palace!

How can you just give it up?

If only a palace died, then he, the deputy palace owner, would not be too much blamed, after all, his status and status are there.

But now it's a palace that has awakened the blood of a demigod!

At that time, not only the palace lord will blame, even the demigod ancestors will make trouble for him!

At the thought of this, the complexion of the deputy head of the Vatican Sea Palace, Vatican Huns, was distorted!

Must have a statement! Otherwise this face will be completely finished!

"Severe punishment!"

"It must be severely punished!"

"Hmph, I suspect that the magic circle in the examination field was destroyed because someone deliberately did it!"

"I deliberately wanted to obliterate my palace in the Fanhai Palace!"

"Otherwise, why all the pictures just now disappeared?"

"I suspect that the internal staff of Guangming Academy are also involved! And Fang Fan of this third-class Sky-High Sanctuary will definitely not get out of the relationship!"

"Deputy Palace Master, how to deal with this matter, you need to give us an explanation to the Fanhai Palace!"

"Fang Fan must die!"

The deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace, Vatican Huns, stood up, his complexion became vicious, and when he spoke, he strode forward, with blue veins on his forehead violently!

"The Vice-Palace Master of Vatican-Hungary is really funny!"

"It's because the palace of your Fanhai Palace is inferior to others, and you want to kill Fang Fan. Now that Fang Fan is beheaded, he deserves it! Is anyone else strange?"

"The current situation lies here. Don't deceive the Vatican-Hungarian palace too much!"

"Shameless, there must be a certain bottom line!"

"This is the examination field of my Guangming Academy, not in your Fanhai Palace!"

Murong Yu, the first-level tutor of the Guangming Academy, stood up, and while talking, his eyes flickered, and the look of contempt on his face increased.

This is the end of the matter, it's useless to say more!

"Teacher Murong, what does this Fang Fan have to do with you? How about you defend him like this?"

"Could it be that you are the insider of the Guangming Academy I just mentioned?"

"Were you and Fang Fan of the Sky-High Sanctuary conspired to kill my palace in Fanhai Palace?"

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